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Nick stepped through the door and into the darkness, since it was pitch black he reached out to feel what was in front of him. There were walls on both side of him, but he could faintly see an opening up ahead of the tunnel-like entrance. He kept walking until he reached the end, he peeked his head through the large door sized opening. Beyond it was a very dimly lit indoor area, it looked like the inside of a large building. Nick walked farther inside, it was semi-dark and there where seemingly random objects strewn around. H walked around the looking over the objects, he couldn't help but wonder if they meant something. Nick thought hard, he thought back to his high school psychology. Ideas. He remembered reading somewhere that the subconscious was where ideas where born. That made sense, surly he didn't think that her subconscious was just full of her worst fears...

Nick train of thought was derailed when he heard a load grunt from across the room, he froze momentarily then ducked down, blending with the darkness of the rest of the room. Nick was thankful he had seen it before it had seen him. It was the Sigbarste, more specifically, the one from Trubel childhood. And the fully woged monstrosity was headed in his direction. He quickly looked around for an escape route, he found it in the form of stairs that were off to his right. Nick soundlessly crept towards them without attracting the Sigbarste's attention and began his assent. He quickly but quietly hurried up the stairs then stepped onto the next level of the building. The second level was just as dark as the first.

"Trubel." Nick load whispered into the darkness.

There was no reply. Then a load yell cut through the silence like a knife, it belonged to a male, Nick could've sworn it sounded familiar. He took off running in the direction of the noise, and ran down a hallway that branched off from the main area. Nick stopped in his tracks as he rounded a corner and discover who the voice belonged to. Nick saw himself, lying in the floor covered in his own blood. He backed away and walked down another hallway, only to be faced with the dead bodies of the rest of the group. Monroe, Rosalee, Hank, Wu, even Bud. Nick looked on in horror, he quickly walked away and back to the stair case. Nick gripped the railing taking a deep breath, this was where she had been the whole time. This was what she had been seeing, even worse she was in here because of him. She was here because she came to save him, and he had left her. Nick felt a pang of guilt. He had to find her. Nick steeled himself and walked back through the halls, occasionally calling Trubel's name. To his great relief the bodies and carnage where gone when he came back through.

Nick went back to the staircase and climbed them once more. As he stepped into the next level he immediately noticed that it looked different than the rest. It looked like a hospital, no, it wasn't a hospital, it was an institution. Nick swallowed thickly, this couldn't be good. He started walking, navigating the complex hallways as best he could.

Then Nick stopped in his tracks as he turned down a hallway, coming face to face with two Wesen. They stood snarling, angry, and ready to charge. One was a Klaursite the other was a Coyotl. The Klaursite charged at Nick, he side stepped his attack then let loose a haymaker. Nick's fist connected with his jaw and the Klaursite tumbled to the ground. Before Nick could recover from the previous attack, the Coyotl had already reached him. The Wesen threw his full weight against Nick and tackled him, he slammed onto the cold, hard institution floor. It wrapped its canine hands around the Grimm's neck and clamped down. Nick struggled against the Coyotl as his lungs attempted to take in oxygen. Then next thing Nick knew the Coyotl had been torn away from him. It tumbled to the left and off of Nick, a figure landing on top of it. The Coyotl snarled and thrashed for a moment but the figure quickly plunged what appeared to be a makeshift knife into its chest. The Wesen disintegrated. Like lightening the figure was up and across the room, taking out the Klaursite before it had a chance to fully get to it's feet. Nick couldn't tell who it was, seeing as the figure had kept to the shadows of the already dimply lit room. Nick stood up, attempting to get a better look at the figure who was now back away slowly and farther into the shadows.

"Hey, who's there?" Nick asked, his voice low.

Nick squinted his eyes attempting to get a better look at the figure, that's when he realized it.

"Trubel?" He whispered.


Trubel's heart jack hammered as she gripped her knife tightly. She stood in the shadows, her clothes tattered and torn. She looked at Nick as he was still getting up off the ground. She couldn't watch him die, not again. Why heck was this happening here, all the times she had seen him die where on the second level. That's the only reason she was even on this wretched floor. Because as much as she hated institutions and being attacked by Wesen, she would rather be here than watching Nick and her friends die, or deal with the Sigbarste on the bottom level. Trubel knew full well she was asleep, she didn't know where exactly she was, only that it seems to house all of her worst fears. As best she could guess, it was either somewhere in her mind or in her dreams.

"Hey, who's there?" Nick spoke.

Trubel's breath caught, all the times she had seen Nick die had never directly spoken to her before.

"Trubel?" He said quietly.

"Nick?" She whispered back, taking a cautious step forward.

This couldn't be the real Nick, could it? How could he be here after what felt like weeks or even months. She had heard him a few times, sometime she would hear echoes of his voice. He would read to her or just talk to her, it gave Trubel comfort knowing he was still with her in the real world. But she had long ago given up hope that she would ever get out of this place. The expression on Nick face changed to relief and slight shock. Trubel felt a tear slip down her cheek, not even realizing it at first.

"It's me. It's me Nick. I'm here." He assured.

Trubel's knife slipped from her grasp and landed on the floor with a clang. Before she knew it, she was in motion quickly moving towards Nick. But so was he, he met her half way as she threw her arms tightly around him. She buried her face in his shoulder, a few tears seeping into his jacket. Nick held onto her like he was afraid if he didn't she might disappears. They crumpled to the floor, still holding onto one and other. Trubel let out a few quiet sobs.

"You're here? I...I can't believe you're really here." She breaths out quietly.

"Of course. I will always come for you. And I'm never leaving you again." He stated with a slight laugh, though she could tell he too was on the verge of tears.

Trubel squeezed him tightly, as he softly stroked her messy hair.

Nick momentarily pulled away, he put his hands on each side of Trubel's face and quickly and gently kissed her on the lips. She would've been more shocked had it not been for the fact that she was so happy to see him.

"I just want you to know, I'm in love you. I should've told you a long time ago, we probably could have avoided all this if I had. But I'm telling you now, I love you Theresa." Nick admitted.

A smile crept onto Trubel's lips and her heart leapt as what he had just said sunk in.

"I know, I love you too Nick. I love you more then you'll ever know." She beamed, slight tears still in her eyes.

Nick smile and gave her several more kisses on the lips and face, which made her laugh for the first time in a very long time. After a few more moments of being near one and other, Nick spoke.

"We gotta get out of here." Nick stated.

"We can't, trust me I've tried." She replied.

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