Color Coded

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Trubel grabbed her duffel bag and let out a shaky breath before walking away. Nick followed her around the street corner and the scene around shifted once more. He was in the trailer, he saw himself and Trubel. She was standing on one end, intently flipping through a Grimm book, while he was by the door. It was the first time he brought her there just after they had met. The world around him was, bright, brighter then he remembered it, and bursting with vibrant colors. She associated this with happiness.

"It's my truth too. I see what you do." The other Nick spoke.

"No, you can't." Trubel replied, her voice harsh, yet her eyes portraying slight pain.

"Everything in these books, I can see too." Nick saw himself gestured to the pile of books.

"I don't understand." She said quietly.

"Neither did I. I thought I was going crazy, but I had somebody who could explain to me what a Grimm was." He continued, slowly walking closer to her.

"Tell me." She whispered, her voice breaking.


The next several memories Nick saw where of him and Trubel and the time they spent together before she left with Josh. He noticed one reoccurring trait, they were all so bright. She seemed to be happy in almost every memory she had of them, whether it was them doing Grimm work together, or something as small as them being in the same room together. Then he started to notice something else, her memories began to be tinted with another color as well, it was almost a purple. It was faint at first, but it was very slowly became more apparent.

Soon Nick found himself in the moments before Trubel left with Josh. The world was a deep gray as Trubel said goodbye to him. It intensified as she began to cry, he pulled her into a hug and the shade of purple flared once more. Nick couldn't help but wonder what that color meant, so far he had figured out most of the other colors. But he hadn't really seen the purple before and it didn't seem to behave like the other colors. After Trubel drove away, Nick walked around another corner, he soon drifted back into memories of him and Trubel. They were after she had come back, they were still primarily bright, though at times she seemed to be sad and he couldn't quite figure out why. The purple remained present in many of the happy memories and was becoming a clearer and stronger shade.

After going through several memories, Nick was in his current house. Trubel was sitting at the kitchen counter eating while Nick and Adalind where playing with Kelly. Nick remember that day, nothing eventful really happened, though it seemed to have some importance to Trubel. The memory was...different, it had a new color Nick hadn't seen before it, a deep shade of green. He watched Trubel intently to see if he could figure out what she was feeling. She continued eating, occasionally glancing up at Adalind, himself, and Kelly. She didn't smile she simply kept an emotionless expression on her face. After a while Nick noticed she was trying very hard to focus on her food and look anywhere but at Nick and Adalind.

He wracked his brain for what green was associated with. Nature, Luck, money...

"...Envy." Nick whispered to himself.

Nick continued to watch Trubel, could she really be jealous? After a while Trubel let out a barely audible sigh and aggressively took a bit of her food before getting up and quietly slipping away. Nick left to move in to another memory, he needed to know more.

The next memory Nick popped up in was one he remembered very well, it happens a few weeks before Trubel left for Santiago. He was in the back seat of his patrol car, the other him and Trubel sat in the front seat. It had been a long week, Black Claw had been very active and Hank had needed a day off. Nick was working a Wesen case at the time, so Trubel had been helping him. They were currently on a stake out and had been for the past 4 hours. They sat watching the building in front of them, listening to the low music coming from the radio and sharing a box of crackers. After a while Trubel sighed and stretched her undoubtedly stuff limbs. She them laid back in the seat and put her feet on the dash. The other Nick laughed and shook his head.

"What? I'm surprised you're not telling me to get my damn feet off your dash." Trubel smirked.

"So much has changed lately and I guess I'm just...I'm glad you're still you." He replied, a slight smile forming.

"I know a lot of things have happened, I don't want you to change to." He added, his tone quiet.

"Hey, I'm still me, I'm still the Trubel you know. And nothing, no amount of time away or training can change that." She assured.

Nick smiled slightly, nodded, and went back to watching the building. After a moment of silence Trubel spoke.

"What about you? W...what about us, are we good?" She said quietly, dropping her gaze.

That caught his attention and he turned to face her.

"I'm still me too, and we are still us." He reassured.

"We've been through so much together, you're still my best friend and nothing can change that. I won't let anything change that, I promise." He continued, taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

Trubel gave him a warm smile, and held his hand.

Then the whole world shifted to the same purple color. Nick attempted to figure out what it was, he looked at Trubel. He looked at her eyes as she looked at him in the memory, that's when it hit him. It was love. Purple was love, she loved him.

After a moment the other Nick and Trubel went watching the building.

"You're an idiot." Nick audibly said to memory version of himself.

"I'm an idiot." He whispered.

How could he have missed that, how could he not have realized. He had been so caught up in everything, so caught up in trying to bury his feelings for her that he never noticed just been drifting through her memories, he needed to find a way out.

Nick got out of the car and, and as expected, was moved to other memory. He was in his house again. So far he had been going through doors and to different places/rooms, he needed to think outside of the box...or maybe the house. Nick took in his surroundings, then he saw the window. Nick opened it and perched on the window sill, it was dark and he couldn't see what lie below or in front of him. Eve had said that he couldn't be harmed here, it was time to test that theory. Nick leapt off the sill and into the darkness, he fell what felt like a short distance. Nick landed on the hard ground, it knocked the wind out of him but didn't injure him. Nick rolled onto his back and groaned, then got up and dust himself off. He looked back at where he had just been, it was large fenced area that resembled a maze. That areas was just one small section of the overall place that was Trubel's mind. There was a vast array of other places that varied in appearance, they all seemed to lead here, and the maze was just one possible route. Nick was now in a wide open space, and in front of him was a pitch black door shaped void. It wasn't solid, more like wherever it was seemed completely devoid of light. That must be the subconscious. Nick mentally prepared himself, if he thought some of her memories where bad, he didn't want to even think about what was in there. But either way, she was in there and he would face whatever he needed to if it meant getting her back.

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