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Hi! This is the last chapter! I originally planned for there to be one more scene but I feel like the last scene really wraps everything up nicely and stays relevant to the story so I decided to end it there. I would just like to thank everyone for staying with me through this story. It has been awesome to tell it to you all, to create a new Wesen, and to see where this plotline lead. Thank you all for your support, I couldn't have done this without you.


Trubel slowly opened her eyes, the lights in the room around her where bright. She quickly realized she was in a hospital bed, she took in her surroundings. Monroe and Rosalee where there and they had Kelly.

"He did it." Rosalee exclaimed triumphantly.

Then Trubel's eyes fell on Nick, he was sitting in a chair next to her, his eyes still closed.

"Nick?" Trubel instinctively spoke, though her throat felt dry and scratchy.

He didn't answer. The Grimm quickly felt panic rise within her, she sat up ignoring the stiffness she felt.

"Nick!" She shook him slightly, now on her knees in the hospital bed.

"Oh crap." Monroe muttered.

"Nick wake up." Trubel shook him more violently.

"Wake up."

Then he jolted awake, making Trubel jump from the abruptness. Then to her surprise he started laughing.

"Got you, didn't I?" He chuckled.

Both Monroe and Rosalee took breaths of relief.

"You ass." Trubel smacked his arm.

Nick held his arm in mock hurt.

The next thing Trubel knew, he had leaned halfway onto her hospital bed and had pulled her into a hug. Despite her slight annoyance, she didn't protest, instead she leaned into his embrace.

Monroe and Rosalee stepped out, giving them some space.

"You have no idea how happy I am to have you back." Nick whispered.

Nick pulled away slightly and pressed his forehead to hers, a smile of relief and genuine happiness played at the corner of his lips. Trubel briefly closed her eyes, enjoying in the closeness.

"I know you know this already but I just want to say this out load." She started.

"I love you." She said quietly, smiling.

"I love you too." Nick beamed, leaning his chin forward, their lips meeting.


Nick sat in the chair next to Trubel. She was in the hospital bed with baby Kelly in her lap. The young child cooed softly, appearing to be very happy to see herl. It had been several hours since Trubel had awoken and Monroe and Rosalee had long since gone home. Though they would be coming by again tomorrow, along with Wu and Hank. Trubel would be spending the night, seeing as the doctors had no idea as to why she has mysteriously awoken, or why she has slipped into a coma in the first place. So they wanted her to stay a few days for observation. Nick would be staying with her, to which Trubel had opposed, telling him that he should go home and rest. He had used the excuse that he had made the mistake of leaving Grimms alone in the hospital far too many times and wasn't about to make it again. But in truth, Nick had just got her back and he didn't want to leave her side again. After the Traumweber and everything else that had happened, he just needed time be near her. To be close to her, and to know she was alright. She seemed happier too, like she had made peace with something. Nick could only guess that had to do with what happened when they were in her mind.

"I'm really glad you found him." Trubel spoke, snapping Nick from his thoughts.

"So am I...wait, how'd you know that?" Nick inquired.

"When I was asleep, sometimes I could hear you. It was echoed and muffled, but I could hear your voice." She explained.

"You would talk to me, keep me updated on everything that was happening...and you would read to me." She said quietly, with an almost fond smile on her face.

"Yeah, I really missed you. And I guess I hoped that maybe if you knew I was with you, that I was still there for you, it would help you." Nick replied, dropping his gaze to the floor.

"It did, honestly sometimes I think it was the only thing that kept me sane." She admitted, with a small laugh.

Nick took her hand gave it a gentle squeeze.

"You know, we only had two chapters left on the current book." Trubel spoke as if though she was hinting at something. Which made Nick break into a broad smile.

He stood up and walked across the room, getting the book from the drawer. Trubel adjusted Kelly in her lap, and leaning forward in anticipation as Kelly played with the ruffle of the hospital blanket. Nick sat down and opened the book taking out the marker. Nick started reading out load to them both.


Nick read the final words of the book before glancing back up at Trubel and Kelly. They had been quiet for a while and Nick couldn't help but smile when he realized they were both asleep. Trubel was leaning back sleeping peacefully, while Kelly had fallen asleep on her chest. Nick put the book on the small table next to the bed, and gently laid down with Trubel and Kelly. He laid his head next to hers, and held her hand, intertwining their fingers. She stirred slightly as he did, a small smile twitched at the edge of her lips before she settled back into sleep. He looked at the two of them and couldn't stop the odd warm feeling he felt in his chest. He thought back on all that had happened, and for once in a very long time, he realized he was happy. His life, as well as Portland was actually okay. No, it wasn't perfect, and it probably wouldn't stay 'okay' for long, but at that moment he was genuinely happy. Nick closed his eyes and listened to the soft sound of Trubel and Kelly's breathing. This time with a smile on his face and a bit of hope in his heart. Trubel had been right about one thing, it wasn't a perfect world. But Nick knew that as long as he had these two in his life, it was just a little bit closer.

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