Chapter 2

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"Ugh, why me?" Jimin groaned as he slumped over the table.

"Because you're just so darn cute Chim Chim!"

Jimin lifted his head pitifully to be greeted with his cheek being pinched playfully by the mother hen of the group.

"Was he good looking?"

"Jin Hyung!" Jimin buried his head into the table again in embarrassment as he whined at the doctor.

"Sorry Jimin. It's just pretty funny." Jin said with a chuckle whilst Hoseok snickered from his place next to him.

"What's so funny?"

"Suga!" Jimin exclaimed in delight at seeing the military officer before inviting him to sit next to him.

"You seem pretty worn out Jimin. What happened?" Suga asked with a look of concern as he took the drink from Jin with a small nod of thanks.

Jimin let out a sigh as he retold the embarrassing story once again.

"Um, we're incredibly sorry for the commotion officer. You see-" Jimin stammered as he tried to avoid the distracting gaze of the attractive officer.

"Whoa, you're pretty damn cute. You were speeding you know, but I guess I'll let this little incident slide." The officer sent Jimin a wink and charming smile which definitely did not have the red head blushing.

"Thank you so much!" Jimin gave a wide smile to express his gratitude, his eyes disappearing and becoming adorable crescents. The officer gave a smirk before leaning against the window, face to face with the surprised officer worker.

"In exchange for your number."


Jimin looked in shock at the officer who seemed to be trying to contain a laugh as his own mouth hung open and eyes widened. He could hear Hoseok cackling next to him but was to shocked to do anything.

"Well?" The officer leaned in closer, his warm breath hitting Jimin lips while the smirk was still etched onto his face.

Jimin launched himself backwards, away from the officer with a huge blush on his face before turning to Hoseok with pleading eyes.

Whilst wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes Hoseok gave him a thumbs up before pulling out a piece of paper and a pen, where he'd gotten that from was anyone's guess.

"Leave this to your hope!" With a reassuring wink he scribbled something down on the paper and handed it to the officer before driving off, at a much slower speed than before, the officer was still there after all.

Seeing as the officer wasn't following them Jimin turned to Hoseok, eyes full of curiosity.

"What did you give to him?"

Hoseok kept his eyes on the road, whistling innocently to himself.

"J-Hope?" Jimin said in a low tone which caused Hoseok to chuckle nervously.

"Err, it may or may not have been your number."


Hoseok started laughing again after Jimin had retold the story for Suga but quickly shut up after receiving a sharp glare from the red head.

Jin returned from the bar with more drinks from everyone and wore an amused smile at the interaction between the two.

"Sounds like the officer wasn't doing his job properly." Suga grunted before taking a long drink of beer.

"I know right! Finally, a voice of reason." Jimin sighed gratefully as he latched on to Suga's arm and slumped against him, already feeling the effects of the alcohol in his system.

Jin took a sip of his drink to contain his small smile at the sight. The normally indifferent Suga had a small smile on his face as quickly glanced at the man attached to his arm. The doctor's smile grew wider when he glanced down at his phone. His boyfriend Namjoon had messaged him, wanting to take him out on a date tomorrow.

"I best be heading off now guys. I've got a date tomorrow." The doctor said with a warm smile as he got up from the table.

"With RapMonster? Have fun then Hyung!" Hoseok chimed as he referred to Jin's boyfriend by his old nickname. Hoseok and Suga were familiar with the man as they had all met as underground rappers, they respected the elder as he was incredibly popular and still made music whenever he had the time.

Suga nodded his head and said a short "Have fun." Whilst Jimin drunkenly waved and giggled.

"Bye bye Umma Jin!"

Jin laughed at the intoxicated Jimin and asked Suga to take care of him before taking his leave.

"I'll take Jimin home now. Can you get home alright J-Hope?" Suga asked as he lifted the now passed out red head onto his back.

"One of my friends live close by so I'll just crash at theirs for the night." Hoseok waved the two off and watched them leave with a smile.

Suga let himself into Jimin's apartment with the spare key the younger had given him a while back. Moving slowly and quietly as to not disturb the sleeping Jimin he carefully tucked him into his bed. He gave Jimin a soft peck on the forehead before letting himself out.

"Goodnight Jimin."

A/N: Bit of YoonMin there but don't worry, there'll be more Jungkook next chapter. Please tell me what you think and ask if you have any questions. Thanks for reading!

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