Chapter 6

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"I'll make sure you look great for your date Chim Chim!"
"Jin Hyung! I already told you its not a date. We're just getting coffee."
"Yes but coffee could be code for-"
"Go easy on the kid Jinie."Namjoon interjected as he placed a kiss on his lovers cheek.
"But Joonie I'm just trying to help." Jin looked up from the piles of clothes he'd scattered around the room to pout at his lover who merely chuckled in response. Jimin smiled at the two as he continued rummaging through his closet that had been emptied onto the floor.
"So who's your date?"
Jimin glared at Namjoon who held his hads up in defense, an amused grin on his face.
"Why are you guys so early anyway?"
"I had an idea."
Jimin looked worriedly at Jin who wore a mischevious smile. He turned to look quizzically at Namjoon who could only shrug, just as clueless as to what his boyfriend was up to.

"So dying my hair was your grand plan?" Jimin asked sceptically as Jin washed out the dye.
"The red was fading anyway and I figured a new hair colour would give you a boost of confidence. Now all I've got to do is dry and style it then we'll pick out an outfit for you."
"Thanks Jin Hyung. I appreciate the help."
"Aww anything for you Chim Chim! I feel like a proud mother watching her son grow up~"
"Hey! I'm not that much younger."

"You look adorable!" Jin squealed as he finished styling Jimin's hair.
Jimin looked at his reflection in the mirror in awe. His hair was orange and fluffy. Very fluffy.
"I love it. Thanks Jin Hyung!" Jimin engulfed the older in a hug which was broken by an enthusiastic Namjoon crashing into the room.
"What about this?" He asked excitedly as he held up an outfit consisting of a pink shirt and dungarees.
"Joonie I love you but your sense of fashion is horrific. I've got just the outfit for you Chim Chim." Jin dashed off to find the clothes he needed leaving Jimin to awkwardly console a sulking Namjoon.
"Here put this on!" Jin hurried back and started helping Jimin put the clothes on before he even had the chance to look at them.
After several minutes of pulling and tugging Jimin looked at his attire. He was wearing a fluffy grey sweater that was a bit baggy on him paired with black jeans and boots.
"I gotta hand it to you Jin Hyung, you're good."
"Obviously." Jin remarked with a sassy smile. "One last thing."
Jin pulled a makeup pouch from his bag and proceeded to expertly don the other with makeup. Nothing too extravagant, just some bb cream and eyeliner but Jimin was grateful for it.
"Wow Jin Hyung my skin looks so smooth!"
"I know right. Your eyes look amazing too. I think you're ready now child."
Jimin checked the time and realized he should start making his way to the coffe shop to meet Jungkook.
"See you later Jin Hyung, Namjoon Hyung. Thanks for all your help!"
"Aww no problem Chim Chim. Tell us how it goes and have fun!"
"We'll clear up your place before we head home seeing as we made all the mess."
"Thanks Namjoon Hyung. Bye!"
Jimin waved good bye to the two before making his way to the coffee shop. It was a bit milder than the other day so he didn't need a coat but he wouldn't want to be outside longer than necessary.

Jimin opened the coffee shop's door and looked around nervously for the officer from the other night. He gave a little sigh of relief when he noticed he wasn't there yet. He quickly bought a coffee and sat down in a free seat by the window, sipping the steaming beverage as he collected his thoughts. Would Jungkook like his new hair? Or even him? They'd only had two conversations, one of which took place on the phone whilst the other was for being caught speeding. Jimin furrowed his brows. Why did he even care? They were just getting coffee. Jimin, lost in his own thoughts, huffed and shook his fluffy hair out of his eyes. Looking up he only just noticed the figure standing over him and being at a loss for words he could only blink.

"Ah nothing nothing. Have you been waiting long?"
"Not really. I just got here."
"I'll just go get a drink, be back in a sec."
"Okay." Jimin called after in a hushed tone. He watched Jungkook walk up to the counter to order his coffee. When he smiled at the barista Jimin felt his face heating up. He couldn't do this. Jungkook looked so handsome he couldn't even think straight. He was wearing a red and black striped jumper that was ripped and littered with holes, but the style suited him, which he paired with black jeans and boots. He styled his hair so it looked messy but perfect and he seemed to have the same idea as Jin as it looked like he was wearing a bit of bb cream and eyeliner. Jimin wouldn't have been able to tell if he hadn't been wearing any himself, in fact he still wasn't sure.

Jungkook flashed Jimin a smile as he made his way back over to their table and Jimin felt his heart flutter at the sight. Jimin balled his hands under the table and shook his head. This was just coffee.

Jungkook slung his coat over the back of his chair and sat facing Jimin. He felt the cofidence coming off Jungkook in waves and snuck a peek at him through his lashes. The smirk he wore sent Jimin's eyes back to his lap as he fiddled with the sleeves of his jumper.
"Hey, I don't bite or anything. If it's the speeding thing you're worried about don't be, I'm off duty." Jungkook's reassuring tone caused Jimin to look up shyly. He was greeted with the sight of Jungkook grinning at him.
"Yeah thanks for that." Jimin said quietly as he gave a small smile. Jungkook returned the smile as he took a sip from his coffee.
"So, tell me about yourself Jimin."

The two had long since finished their coffees and were now chatting amicably. Jimin found himself actually really enjoying his time with Jungkook and decided he'd misgudged him after his initial opinion of him being a bit of a playboy. He still thinks it was justified though, with all that flirting Jimin thinks his judgement could be excused.
"So your friend broke a toilet trying to stand on it and then decided to place the cover on his head? Was he drunk?"
"Nah perfectly sober. He's just an alien."
Jimin laughed along with Jungkook and decided not to question the alien comment.
"I'm just going to the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute."

When Jimin got back he noticed two steaming cups on the table and Jungkook smiling at him.
"I hope you don't mind but I got us a couple of hot chocolates."
Jimin gave him his signature eye smile as he sat down and took a sip.
"I love hot chocolate. Thank you Jungkook!"
Jimin gave a little squeal at the taste and licked the whipped cream off his upper lip. He looked up from his hot chocolate to find Jungkook with a cream mustache and giggled at the sight.
"What?" Jungkook gave him a perplexed look which Jimin ignored in favour of a rather bold move. He wasn't sure why he did it but before he knew it he'd leaned across the table to wipe the cream of Jungkook's face with his thumb.
Locking eyes with Jungkook, Jimin felt his heart stutter. Jungkook looked shocked and Jimin only then realised how close they were. Their lips were so close Jimin could feel Jungkook's breath against his.
Just as Jimin swore Jungkook was leaning in he heard the coffee shop's door swing open and a loud shout sent them flying apart and back into their seats.
Jimin looked confusedly at Jungkook who just grumbled as he leant back in his seat.
"That alien."

A/N: TaeTae what you doing with your life they were just about to kiss smh. Jk they can't kiss yet our precious Jimin ain't that easy. Hope you enjoyed this date chapter and the little bit of Namjin at the beginning. Next chapter will be a continuation of this train wreck of a date. Please leave a comment of what you thought and thanks for reading!

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