Chapter 7

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Jungkook just sat there frozen, his face completely blank as he wondered how he'd gotten into this mess.

The date had been going really well in his opinion. He was nervous as hell beforehand, styling and restyling his hair as he contemplated changing. He figured a bit of makeup would boost his confidence and even he had to admit it did wonders.

Finally feeling confident enough to leave he gave himself a reassuring wink in the mirror. He grabbed a coat on the way out as an afterthought figuring it was bound to get cold later, knowing his luck, and it couldn't hurt. Better safe than sorry right.

Strolling in with overly emphasised confidence, more for himself than anyone else as he was still a bit nervous, he scanned the coffee shop for Jimin's vibrant red hair but was disappointed when he found no red heads present.

He decided to look for a seat near the window and felt his breath catch in his throat when the boy with orange hair looked up.


He looked breathtaking. Literally. Jungkook was actually having trouble breathing at his beauty.

If he thought he liked dyed hair before he loved it now. The sight of Jimin peeking up at him through his lashes, shaking his fluffy orange hair out of his eyes which looked cuter than ever and his glossy lips, he guessed to prevent them from cracking in the cold weather, caused a single word to escape his lips.


That could have been embarrassing as he was just openly oogling the other. However, he seemed too shy and nervous to notice which Junkook couldn't help but find completely adorable.

After the slightly awkward start, Jungkook was glad the other had started opening up to him and figured he'd treat Jimin to a surprise hot chocolate. Romantic right?

It was definetely worth it. That adorable eye smile and cute squeal of delight were something Jungkook could live for. And when his name passed the other's lips he just wanted to kiss him. That thought wasn't helped by Jimin licking the cream off his lips, drawing Jungkook's eyes to them once again. He was beginning to wonder if he even had any self control as he let his thoughts wander. Thoughts of kissing Jimin.

He was shook from those thoughts by the cutest sound he'd ever heard. He wasn't quite sure why the other was giggling at him and he felt his heart beat quicken as the other leaned in suddenly. What was he doing? Jungkook had never pegged Jimin as the bold type but he wasn't complaining.

Instead of another pair of lips connecting with his he felt a thumb. He felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment as he realized Jimin was just wiping off the cream but it did let him catch a glimpse of his sweater paws. He probably would've been cooing over them if not for the other's close proximity, who only just seemed to notice how close they were.

Figuring there was no backing out now as the warm air against his lips made him hold back a shiver, Jungkook started to lean in...

Until that alien came crashing in, ruining everything which left Jungkook in the predicament he was in now.

"So you're Jimin?" An excitable Taehyung asked a very confused looking Jimin who just nodded, glancing helplessly at a completely out of it Jungkook.

Somewhere in between his mini crisis Jungkook noticed his friend's odd appearance. It was always odd but this time he looked especially odd. Jungkook noticed he'd dyed his hair, red of all colours, and was wearing a brown jacket covered in tassels.

"Jungkook told me you had red hair so I dyed my hair so we could match-" Taehyung said enthusiastically whilst Jimin continued glancing over at Jungkook.

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