chapter 20

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Yay chapter 20 slight swearing at the end. Also beware of kissing scene. That's right.

So we stood in front of each other and I took a defensive stance.

"Ready!" Honey said raising his arm.

"Set!" He looked at both of us.

"Begin!" He threw his arm down.

Mori started walking one way and I stayed where I was. O was not doing the circling thing that most people do. Him seeing that he walked straight for me instead.

He raised his leg and went to swipe at my legs but I jumped over them and brought my knee to his gut. I didn't knee him to hard. Just enough to get the point across that I could actually fight.

We continued to go back and forth. Each punch or kick got harder and harder. But never to the extent to cause a lot of damage to the other person.

If this was someone I didn't know and not Mori then I would have had no trouble ending this the first minute into this fight. But I was really holding back from hurting him. But just looking at him I think he could take it.

I was so lost in my thoughts that's for the first time i had let my guard down. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. But that didn't mean i liked losing.

My back was placed to mori's chest and his arms were wrapped around my arms holding them to my chest so I could not move them. I furrowed my eyebrows and scrunched up my nose.

"And-" honey went to call it but I moved quickly. Though since he had my arms we both ended up falling. So when we fell I switched us and I landed on top of him straddling his waist. I freed my arms and grabbed his wrists holding them above his head. I let out a heavy breath and some of my hair hanged over the side of my face while I looked down at Mori. When I looked at him I found out he was already looking at me.

"Hi." I said tilting my head to the side and smiled at him. His eyes widened slightly as he looked at me. I smiled even more. "That was fun. We should do this again some time." I gave him a wink and let go of his wrist though he wasn't really struggling in the first place.

He sat up and I fell off his stomach with a thump landing on his lap instead.

I was thinking about getting up but I just wasn't feeling it. I think it was the laziness in me talkin. I mean this is after all the most effort I have put into anything in my life. Everything came easy to me. Homework. School. Instruments. Different languages. I blamed it on the photo graphic memory.

But even though some things come easy to me I had a tendency of breaking everything I touch. Granted the past couple years I have worked on it. I also had to work on my tone of voice. I had a hard time talking to people because when I said things it always sounded serious, gruff, cold. When most of the time I was trying to be nice. Or sarcastic. It's just something I had to learn. Not memorize. Though I still do slip up every once in a while. But I always find a way to fix it.

What was the point of this subject....

Oh yeah well even though I fear of breaking everything I touch Mori is kind of the exception. Yes I hold back a lot when it comes to certain things but I'm not as scared to poke him or playfully punch his arm like I would be if it was haruhi. Or honey. Or even my dad.

Yeah I know sweet. Yea not really all that means for me is the next time we do this I am not going easy on him. He can look at me with those grey eyes all he wants, he's not going to catch me off guard again.


I was in wood shop class and I had the hammer in my hand. I had managed to get one nail all the way into the board before it was taken out of my hands.

I let out a sigh and turned around with my hands in my hips.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked mori and shook my head at him. The hammer was still in his hand raise slightly in the air so if I went to grab it he would pull it out of my reach. "What are you going to do hammer me?" That was a bad pun.

Mori set down the hammer on the counter and leaned over me placing both hands on either side of me.

"I'm more into drilling." He whispered and I crooked. Yes crooked.

I started coughing while choking on air.

"Oh really?" I asked clearing my throat.

"Hn." He responded.

"Would you stop that?" I asked.

"Hn?" He asked.

"That!" I whisper yelled at him. I looked around to see honey had gone off somewhere and everyone else wasn't paying attention to us.


"You know" I brushed a couple fingers under his chin. "Now that I think about it. That wasn't very wild." I mocked and tilted my head to the side.

"Hn." He said tilting his head to the side and I finally had enough. I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him in kissing him on the lips. I had at first thought he was going to pull away. But instead he leaned in even more and kissed me harder. We separated only for his lips to attack my neck and up my jaw line. I let out a sigh. Pulling on his clothes I managed to get his jacket and button up shirt off of him







"Aika hit the snooze!" Haruhi mumbled against the pillow and I shot straight up in bed. I reached over turning off out alarm clock and I ran a hand through my hair.

"Shit." I hissed through my teeth.

"What? What's wrong?" Haruhi asked sitting up and rubbing her eyes.


I threw my head into my hands.


This is so not good.

This is so not good.

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