Chapter 59

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I finally got a day off tomorrow, so I thought I would update. What am I doing? Writing a chapter in the middle of the night. Thank you brain for being an incompetent pain in my ass. 

Anyways here's the chapter, hope you have a good night, or morning when ever you happen to be reading this. 

"Aika, I can go to the store by myself." Haruhi said making her way to the door. She was trying to convince me to stay home and- "You could always bake something. You don't always have to come."

Apparently she wanted me to bake her something, that was the only time she really agreed to wanting me to stay behind. Dad had the flue. oops. And now he was coughing and hacking in his room. I was going to make chicken noodle soup but I needed flour to make the  noodles. I know I could use, already made noodles, but home made was just so much better. "Fine, but how can I bake anything when most of the things I bake needs flour?" I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall in the mini hall way to the door. 

"No-bake cookies. The brownie mix in the cabinet. There are a bunch of things you could make," Haruhi moved to leave the house. unamused, I leaned over and pulled her back into the house. "Aika."


"Just this once, I do it all the time for the host club." 

Letting go of her arm I decided not to say anything and go back to the kitchen to start baking. I guess afterwards I could clean. 


"Cause baby, you look happier, you do. My friends told me one day, I'll feel it too. And until then I'll smile to hide the truth, but I know I was happier with yo-"

bzzz bzzz

My phone buzzed on the counter top all the way in the living room. My socks covered feet fumbled across the hard wood floor. Trying not to make to much noise so dad wouldn't wake up. Catching myself last minute on the table I grabbed my phone placing it to my ear. 

"Hello?" I rushed, I placed my free hand over my heart and sunk the rest of the way down to the cool floor. 


I looked at the phone in my hand to see I had one missed call. "Damn it." Placing it back on the table I stood walking over to grab my shoes. 

bzzz bzzzz- my phone vibrated on the table. This time I was smart enough not to run. I picked up the phone in one hand as the other put on my shoes. 


There was a lot of talking and squealing on the other end. I could barely make out what they were saying. But in the faint back ground I could here Haruhi's irritated voice, "get me away from these morons." 

I couldn't help it, I was grinning ear to ear. This is what happens when you go to the store with out me. "You still at the mall?" I asked looking down at my now free hand. 

"Help me."

"You have the host club to keep you company. Besides, you wanted me to bake you things. Can't do that and save you from boys."

"Antoinette! Oh how precious! You are so amazing and fluffy and I will love you forever and and and every day will be a new adventure!" I heard a high pitched voice through the phone. 

Raising an eyebrow I looked out my window, "Antoinette?" 

"Tamaki's new dog.... honestly Tamaki get off the ground..." Haruhi said, her voice getting louder when talking to Tamaki.

"Someone sounds jealous," I teased. 

I could feel the glare through the phone. 

"It's a dog, Aika."

"Jealous." I grinned leaning back against the fourth wall. (oops, I fell through.)

"Aika, I am not. It's a dog. Are you going to come save me or what?"

"Or what."

"I hate you."

"You love me."


"See you in a little bit."


"Do we have to go to the host club today?" I asked dragging my feet to music room 3. 

Haruhi paused mid step looking down the hall way back at me. "Are you and Mori-senpai having problems?" Haruhi asked. 

I stared her down but she didn't back down like I thought she would. 

Let the staring contest commence.

I took a step closer to her, but she stayed where she was. I don't think she has ever challenged me like this. What has our sibling relationship become?

"You never answered the question," Haruhi tilted her head to the side but never blinking or breaking eye contact. 

"You haven't blinked."

"If I back down now you'll never tell me."


"You know we are going to be late if we continue this." Haruhi said starting to walk backwards while I walked forward. 

"Then I guess we will have to see who runs into a wall first. My bets on you." I smirked. 

Haruhi's eyelid twitched while I could feel my eyes watering up. "So there is a problem..."

"Why would you think that?" I mocked. I didn't think there was a problem between Mori and me.

"For starts you're not in a hurry to see him."

Squinting I continue to step forward. "I'm not clingy, plus, I literally see him all day. We have every class together."

"You're not distancing yourself from him again are you?"


"I think you are."

"It's not like I'm trying to push myself away from him. It's more natural to push someone away then pull them in."

"So you are pushing him away."

"I'm pretty sure I fixed that problem."

"Then stop doing it."

"I didn't know I was."

"You are."

"What if I'm just not clingy and want some space?"

"Clingy and affectionate are two different things."

"And having a boyfriend doesn't mean cut out everyone else in my life." I said. "Door."

Haruhi blinked giving me a confused look, "door?" She turned her head right as she ran into the door. 

"I win, you blinked. And, no. We do not have problems. I win. I win. I win. :D" 

Haruhi rolled her eyes looking away from me and opening the door. "You are such a sore winner."

Month you were born in?

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