Chapter 38

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"You know what it is getting kind of late." I said and stood up from his lap. Quickly i made my way to the door but didn't get very far before mori was in front of me. I leaned back against the wall and he leaned over top of me. His arm resting on the wall behind my head and his hand on my waist.

"I am pretty late aren't i?" He questioned, the smirk never leaving his face. He leaned down and captured my lips with his a small kiss. " I never did get to tell you all the things i like about you. All the things i want to be with you. I want to be your first kiss." He stroked the side of my cheek. "Your first boyfriend." He moved some hair behind my face. "And many... other things." I shivered and ducked under his arm to stand in the middle of the room.

" I think you are running on very low sleep right now. You should go to bed and we will have this conversation in the morning." I said. Mori looked over at me and stood up straight from leaning against the wall.

"In the morning i wont have the courage to say all the things i need to say." He said like it was obvious.

"And what are the things you i need to say?" I asked and walked around him when he tried to get closer.

"That i am in love with you." Mori said making me stop in my tracks. That was enough time for mori to walk over to me and hold me from behind.

"There must have been something in your food." I said trying to push down on his hands that were on my stomach.

"I think it was the view that got me like this." Mori said kissing the side of my neck.

"Hands." I said when his hands started to travel up my body. I grabbed them and turned around to keep them at arms length. Any other time i would have been enjoying this. But mori was clearly not himself right now. Or this is the true wild side coming through.

"Aika." he said standing still. We were standing across from each other. he finally stopped touching me so i could concentrate on what is going on and not on his hands on my body. I mean I don't mind the fact that he was touching me. More the fact that he wasn't himself.

I mean it was kind of a turn-on that his body was leaning over me. The way his muscles flexed when he restrain himself from reaching out to me. It was very exciting to know that could have such strong feelings over me.

" I have had feelings for you for the longest time. Ever since I laid eyes on you when you first walked into the host club doors. I knew that you were different. But definitely different in a good way. I love the way you made me feel like I was important like I was there most girls they just want me because they know who my family is. Or they know that no matter how much they talk I'll still be listening. But the thing is when I listen to them it's nothing nothing compared to when and how I feel when you you talk to me you actually want to hear my opinion. you want me for me." he stopped for a second and i could see him start to wake up more so his tired self started talking faster. "Your voice lights up my day no matter if I am feeling sad or lonely or are unappreciated all I have to do is look at you and hear you talk to me to me. Out of all the people you could talk to. Out of all the guys you could hang around. You chose to be around me. When even I'm not good enough. There are millions of other guys who would be better for you, could give you what you need like an actual conversation. Seems the only time I can actually talk to you is when I'm half-asleep because of how nervous you make me feel when I'm around you and also because  i am naturally quiet but don't take me being quiet as a flaw it's just the way i am. In fact I don't even know if I'm making any sense right now. All I know is that I needed to get this all off my chest. Because you are the most beautiful girl, the most beautiful woman I have ever met and will ever know. I'm totally in love with you. And I hope that you return the feelings. Cause I don't know what life would be without you in it. So when I'm as you could say sober or awake I would like to ask you a very important question, if I have the courage.  in fact I might not remember most of this conversation. So this is why I need to get this off of my chest now so you know how i feel. And I hope to not sound like a fool. And I hope oh I so hope that that you say yes, if I do ask the question." Mori said and I was lost for words. I didn't know what to say I didn't know what to do. I had never been put in this kind of place in this kind of situation. So instead of saying something and making myself out to be a bigger fool than anyone in the entire world which was very likely. I stepped forward placed both hands on his face and kissed him with all I had. When we separated I looked him straight in the eye and smiled.

"Well hopefully you have the courage to ask that question tomorrow. Though i would just like to let you know, you are way better for me than any other guy in the world. I don't care if you don't talk as much as the other. I think you are perfect." I said and pulled away from him completely I didn't want to do anything I would regret seeing as he wasn't exactly fully awake. I wanted to know what he would do. The quiet strong Charming an all-around amazing guy I had fallen in love with. Even if I didn't want to fall in love. Even if this puts a dent in all the plans that I had made. It was worth it. But knowing my luck my bad bad luck Mori would not ask the question and would totally forget what happened. All I hope and is that what he said is true. because I wouldn't know what to do if all of this all of these words that he was saying all of these hopeful in time and amazing things that he just said he really did love me. Even if you forget to set it I won't forget and I'll just think of it as a way for me 2 my fun and seeing if he really does love me. just a little bit of flirting never heard of anyone.

Now did it.

"Okay, mori, it's time to go to bed." I said and reached out to pull him to the bed.

he grabbed my hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.

"I think it would be better if you called me Takashi." Mori said and i nodded my head to just agree with him. i'll amuse him for now. But Takashi is my special name for him. well Taka-chan could work instead.

"Alright, Takashi, i think it is time for bed." I said moving over to my bed. I would find a place for me to sleep later. it's not like i slept much anyways. Mori laid down in my bed and before i could walk away he pulled me into the bed and wrapped his arm around me and held me close to his body.

"Night, Aika." Takashi whispered in my ear.


Okay thank you for everyone who is reading. I am trying this new thing where I speak into a microphone and it write down what I say. so that was kind of interesting I mean I didn't do it for all of it. It was just more of the small things are well the big one phrasing and things I didn't have to do much punctuation on. The with me talking it I figured out that it is a lot easier to spell things because I spell things wrong quite a lot. but I really hope that you enjoyed to this chapter please vote comment and share with people you know you can also follow me. But again thank you for your support.

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