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Description: This is a Pokemon Fanfic, the events of which happen after Pokemon X. The book is centered around Ren and Kota and Team Flare. This will be my second fanfic and is contained in the same universe as The Journey of a Champion as well as the Pokemon Gameverse.

Also, a huge thank you to the creator of the Pokemon gijinka drawing. That's really unspecific, sorry, but I could not find the name of the artist. Of course, I give credit to her for the art. Some characters are loosely based off drawings. A picture of Ren by the artist is on the side. :)

I do not own Pokemon. All rights for Pokemon and the canon characters go to the company.

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Hurried footsteps echoed through the grimy tunnels under Saffron City. Boots slipped in brackish water and a hand caught itself on the grime-covered walls; the sound reverberated and came back distorted, quieter. A figure marched up a set of stairs in swift steps and skidded around a corner. She was chasing after a group about eighty feet ahead. The Intermittent lights of the underground caught her loose braid of green hair whipping behind and highlighted the figures trying to make a break for it ahead of her.

A red 'R' slashed itself across the black fabric of their shirts. Black caps left shadows over their eyes, giving them a fittingly villainous appearance. 

But they were tiring; sweating and huffing as the figure raced behind, but even so she unable to catch up. She took a Pokeball from her pocket and cast the thing into the air. In a flash of white, a Skarmory appeared and the girl slung her leg over the metal type's back in a practiced jump. The Armored Bird Pokemon got a running start, scratching her claws along uneven stones as she gained traction and speed for takeoff. Skarmory's legs bent and readied themselves for flight. Straightening them, the Pokemon leapt up and flapped its scissor wings, slicing through the air in a storm of speed. The figure grinded her teeth in frustration. We're getting closer, but there's still time for them to get away.

The Holo Caster in her pocket buzzed and she slammed a fist against it, knowing who it was already. Her fingers tightened in her black and red gloves on the front of Skarmory's rapidly beating wings. Can't answer, a bit too busy doing your job for you. 

The Armored Pokemon sped up and with one hand on his neck, the figure lowered her goggles as the rushing wind began to sting them. 

"Shadow Ball, now." A member of the group commanded the poison type floating beside her. 

A series of fizzling purple balls of energy whirled through the air. The figure braced herself, shielding her eyes with her hand and grasping Skarmory tightly. 

The Armored Bird Pokemon swerved away from the attack and barrel-rolled out of the trail of another with a sickeningly quick spin. Above, a Shadow Ball attack hit and a light burst and sent it's glass raining down on the figure and her Pokemon.

The two temporarily lost sight of the group, but another floodlight brought them back into view. The figure opened her mouth and began to call out an attack to her Pokemon. "Skarmory, use-" 


The Koffing released a cloud of noxious brown and green gas and the figure reeled, breathing it in and feeling her throat burn and she slipped to the right, lost her seating, and threw her Pokemon off balance. 

They lurched to the side and, rapidly, the figure pulled out her Pokeball, withdrawing her Pokemon before impact. She scraped across the grating floor in the fall and rolled onto her side. The girl jumped up, ignoring the little bits of rock embedded in her arm, unrattled in her kamikaze mission.

The group had split in two and the pack on the right held a bundle, as outlined by the carrier's silhouette. The carrier's group broke off to the right in the darkness and the figure veered their way, boots slapping the concrete in quick, frustrated steps. 

The lights in this corridor were dimmer and gas leaked out of damaged pipes, making the air hazy. 

The carrier's steps got more and frantic and stopped. He met a dead end and looked around in panic. His eyes darting to the pipes, looking for a way to climb up them and escape.

The figure smiled and her voice curled through the air in triumph. " Give me the plans." She ordered crisply.

The carrier stiffened and froze for a moment. Slowly, he turned around and the other members of his group flickered for a moment. They stayed facing the wall. 

The carrier's grin distorted his face in an disgustingly ugly and smug way. He dropped the carrying case he was holding and it clanged on the ground hollowly. The metal cylinder clicked open as it hit and was faintly illuminated in the flickering lights. But it was empty.

"You," He sneered unhaltingly. "Are incredibly stupid." His hand reached to the thick, watch-like band around his wrist. He turned the dial on the top of it and his companions shivered and vanished. "Hologram," He grinned like a satisfied Cheshire cat and resumed speaking. "Oldest trick in the book, you stupid, stupid girl."

The figure clenched her jaw and her fist tightened. Her hand shot forward and the man fell to the ground, knocked out by her angry punch.

* * *

Gloved hands gripped tightly onto a grimy ladder as the girl quickly hoisted herself up from one rung to another. She pushed the manhole cover over the 'exit' off, harsh sunlight coming down. The girl looked out into the field. Her jaw tightened and she clenched her fist, pounding it against the grass. Above the trees of Kanto's Route 5, a helicopter with a red 'R' was a dot in the sky. 

* * *

"Blueprints and all, five years of undercover work thrown out because of you!" The Kanto Chief of Police jabbed an angry finger at the girl slouching back in the chair in front of him. "I don't think you understand the consequences of anything you do because we just keep coming back to this! You have interfered in police work for years and any punishment I give you doesn't seem to be enough."

"Chief---!" The girl interjected.

"No, just shut your mouth. You have no idea how many times I've wanted to arrest you!" The man ran his fingers through his hair, pacing behind his desk. " You're just being a vigilante, that's what this is, some wannabe officer with a vendetta!"

The girl jumped up, both gloved hands on the man's desk, her green braid swinging over her shoulder. " How dare you? This isn't about them!" She swung her arm out, a helpless pencil case was swatted across the room and clattered to the floor

"Yes it is, and unless you find a way to restrain yourself so you don't ruin our investigations again, I've got another option. This is obstruction of justice and it's time you learn not to meddle with police procedures! Ren, you're leaving. I'm sending you to the Kalos region."

She slammed her fist on the table. "You have no right to do that."

The Chief leaned forward, looking her dead in the eyes. "Think of it as a substitution for going to jail." He straightened and looked at her, humorlessly. "Now, get your bags and your Pokemon. The plane leaves in less than an hour."

Ren turned away from him bitterly and stomped out of the office, only further proving to him that she was an undisciplined child. " We'll know if you try to avoid going." He shouted after her. " And trust me, I won't loose a wink of sleep over this."

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Author's Note:

I hope everyone liked it! I've been looking forward to posting this for a while and I'm even more excited for you all to respond so please vote and comment if you feel like it and think this story deserves it! ^_^ Also, remember Journey of a Champion? This story'll be even better. I can assure you of that. ;)

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