Whiskey Eyes 6

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We got to comic con at 10:00, with 15 minutes to spare. Tyler and Rachel ran into the building, Tyler of course was wearing his squirrel mask, that we'd met him in the other day. Dylan though, took me to a side entrance that he tended to use. He was holding onto my hand tightly as he dragged tme to the door, it was almost hurting before he let go. He looked at me with a small smile.

"Are you coming to the panel?" I smiled before walking away, acting like I didn't even know who he was. I could hear him chuckle before the sound of his steps faded off.


It hit 10:20, and the crowd started dying down. Rachel and I found our way to the teen wolf panel, and took seats in the middle of the crowd. The audience, was full. We were lucky to have gotten our seats.

"Hey Ally, are you going to ask a question?" Rachel winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Just go pay attention to your squirrel." Rachel laughed a little, before her eyes settled on the chairs up front. 10:25.

The crowd was quiet and the actors took their seats up front. Tyler and Dylan were sat right next to each other, and I could see Tyler scanning the audience. When his eyes settled in our direction I rolled my eyes. Rachel winked, and he smiled, which timed right up with the other casts reaction to a question. I brought my attention back to Tyler Hoechlin whom was answering a question about his love interests in the series. My eyes wondered over to Dylan. For the first time since they came onto panel, I could see Dylan wasn't wearing his hoodie, and my bracelet was in clear view. My eyes opened wide when I saw Dylan's mouth drop open.

"I have a question for Dylan. Who is "Allyson"? Dylan looked from the asker to the rest of the Panel.

"Hehe.... What are you talking about? Crystal Reed is Allyson!" It was obvious he was a little nervous, and Tyler was looking at him as though he fucked up bad. I looked at the asker, and she opened her mouth again.

"No, I mean the one you have a beaded bracelet of." Dylan looked nervously toward me.

"It's of a girl, that I've been talking to, I'm holding onto it while she's around comic con." The asker sat down, and immeadietly 20 hands shot up.

"My question is also for Dylan. Would you and this "Allyson" happen to be... going out?" Dylan's eye brows furrowed slightly. I closed my eyes, getting up to leave. I didn't want to hear the answer. I didn't want to be in a room where people were talking about me. I didn't like being the center of attention even when no one knew it was me.

"Ah.... well, I'm not sure how to answer this. I met her the first day of comic con, and already so many things happened. Nothing intimate, but a lot of things. Ah god... How did this start..." He began mummbling a little before he took a deep breath. I had already gotten to the end of the row, when he started speaking again. "I think, I'm starting to like her a little. I mean, I did take her most prized possession." He smiled slightly. "Allyson, sit back down, panels not done yet." I turned around slowly and looked at him. His face fell. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"Stupid." I whispered under my breath. I turned back around, and made my way out of the room. I could feel the stares of everyone while I left. I felt like I was about to have a panic attack. I left through the closest exit, and thankfully there was no one out there, because I collapsed against the wall fumbling to find my inhaler. It was prescribed for my coughing attacks, but this time I used it, because I just couldn't breath. I picked myself back up, and started walking toward my hotel.

~| >-< |~

It was 3:30, and my bags were packed. I had already seen the posts on tumblr about me, and how, some people thought it was "cute" and others were saying terrible things about Dylan and me. Mainly me. I shut my phone off, and but it in my pocket. I left Rachel a message saying I was going home, and I'd meet her at the airport, when she came home. I left my key card on the bed along with Dylan's shirt. I might have been over reacting, but I'm from a small town. I don't like all the attention. If I wanted it, I would have told everyone myself. I dhut the hotel room door, and left. I had just gotten into my cab, when I saw Dylan's car pulling into the drive way and him running toward the entrance of the hotel. I closed my eyes and told the driver where to go.

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