Whiskey Eyes 10

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A week had past since I got my script and I had the majority of my lines memorized. I was working everyday with Dylan to improve my acting, seeing as he had been an actor for longer then myself. All that was left was to start filming.

"Hey Dylan, " I plopped down on the couch next to him. He was going through the script."Do you think they chose the right person for this role?" I laid my head on his shoulder. He leaned his head on mine.

"I think they chose the perfect person." He wrapped an arm around me rubbing my arm. "Why? Are you getting nervous?" He turned his head to look at me.

"I guess. I'm getting anxious waiting to start the filming." I lifted my head from his shoulder and leaned into the couch.

"Don't worry. Filming starts next week, on thursday we get to meet the other characters." He laced his fingers with my own.

"You're right. I shouldn't worry" I stood up and put my script on the coffee table. "Do you want to go out?" Dylan raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't we already dating? I don't think it works that way." I rolled my eyes and let out a huff.

" I meant. Like a day out. We've been cooped up in your place for the last 3 days going over lines. I think, I'd like to see L.A." I smiled pulling him up off the couch.

"Ah... Yeah, but go get a shower first. You smell like a girl. I'd rather you smell like me." He pushed me toward his bathroom.

"That sounded entirely wrong." I walked into the bathroom. "Hey toss me my bag." I knew that'd I'd be at his house for a few days, so I came prepared with clothing.

"I realise this, but you know what I meant." He smiled and threw me my bag.

"Yeah, I do." I smiled shutting the door. "You need to get a shower too! You reek!" I yelled slightly before going about the shower routine.

"Yeah yeah. I'm a guy, I'm allowed." He mummbled flipping through his script again.


After Dylan and I got our showers, we headed down town. He of course had to wear a hoodie with shades. Classic celebrity disguise. I just wore jeans, and a t-shirt from a favorite show, Merlin. We spent the morning walking around Hollywood blvd. Like I figured it wouldn't, Dylan's disguise wasn't that good, and a few fans noticed him. A few giving me dirty looks. I just brushed it off.

That afternoon we ended up staying in a small cafe. It's started to rain, and ended up soaking Dylan through, because he eventually gave me his hoodie.

"Should I call Rachel to come get us?" I smiled holding back a laugh while he rung the bottom of his shirt out.

"In a little bit maybe." He shook his head sending water drops straight at me.

"Maybe I should tell her to bring you a towel." I laughed a little shrugging of his wet hoodie.

"Tell her to bring two, because before she gets here I'm sending you out there." He smirked devilishly.

"I'll expose you to those girls over there that are trying to tell whether your Dylan O'brien or a look alike." I returned the smile. He took his sunglasses off.

"Hey, you'll be famous soon enough. I'll start doing that to you." I rolled my eyes.

"You're a guy, fame is different. Girls will approach any guy if he's a well known celebrity. If a girl is a celebrity, unless she's like jennifer lawrence famous, I don't see people bothering them that often," I stood up. Recieving a wide eyed look by Dylan. "Is there anything you want to eat, drink? Since you're in danger of being prey to the predator known as a fangirl?" He smiled.

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