Chapter 11 - The Painting

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   Luigi froze.

Every muscle, every inch on alert, he clung to the ladder as if he were a part of it; unmoving, unbreathing. Stiff as a statue, he poured all the concentration in the world into focusing on that one sound. He strained so hard that his ears almost hurt. He couldn't have imagined it!

   There – an echo! The same ghost of a voice reached him once again from the darkness below, ensuring him without a shadow of a doubt. Luigi gasped and his heart began to thump wildly.

It really was; it was his brother's voice! Mario!

   The sound just barely reached him, but it was there. It was too distant to make out any words yet – who could he be talking to? Down here, underground of all places!

   Suddenly quivering all over at the thought of being near his brother, Luigi slowly crept down the remaining ladder, not wanting to miss anything he might hear. Have I finally made it? Truly...?

   Mario's voice only reached him once in a while – as if he was talking to somebody else. Slowly but surely it began to get louder and more obvious as he moved, a growing certainty that Luigi was on the right track at last.  

   Luigi could barely keep his balance as he hurried down the ladder. Wishing his heart would stop pounding so loudly, he drew a deep, shaky breath as his feet finally touched the rocky floor. By now he was chattering all over in excitement and dread. Have I finally found you?

   Flashlight close, Luigi quickly inspected his new situation. At the bottom of the well was dark and eerie; the air was thick and stale, the walls close and crumbling. It was more than it might first seem, however: it didn't end in a dry pit. It was also the beginning of a tunnel, as his flashlight soon revealed. It went off into the pitch, with a low, arching ceiling and narrow walls that reminded Luigi of ancient catacombs.

Basically, it was exactly what he'd expected. Oh boy.

One look at the dirty, damp cave that extended into the blackness before him suddenly filled him with an urge. Luigi often felt those kinds of urges that told him to run away from anything suspicious; but this time he felt quite justified in his opinion. The very sight of the path ahead made him want to scramble up the ladder, run all the way up to the master bedroom, and hide under the bed. That was exactly what he felt like doing right now. It could have been the very choice between life and death.

But... at the same time... he wanted desperately to lunge forward into that tunnel; to plunge through the darkness and find Mario on the other side, waiting for him. To throw himself into Mario's arms and be told that everything was alright.

   That single, longing desire nearly blinded him of his fear. At that sudden thought, Luigi was filled with determination; and he started forward, moving at a careful pace so as not to make noise. He was following his worse judgement; and his better heart.

All of that aside, it still hadn't completely sunk in yet; as if he just couldn't believe that he had really found Mario. Could it really be? He had heard him, he had; but he had to see. His work might soon be all over if he could find and free his brother; they could escape and be free of this place! Luigi's stomach churned with nervousness and ecstasy. Mario, please be alright. Please, let it really be you.

   It was only when he started to think about whom else he might encounter in this dank underground, or what kind of state he might find Mario in, that he began to feel afraid. Suddenly he didn't know if he was ready; he didn't know if he was prepared for what Mario might look like at this point. He wanted to see him more than anything; but what if he had been through so much? What if... Trembling from the suspense, Luigi put a hand on the wall to steady himself.

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