Chapter 21 - King of the Mansion

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   Luigi let out a cry as the darkness swirled around him.

Suddenly he found himself thrown into a stormy tumult; he was unable to keep silent as it picked him up and he no longer felt the passage surrounding him. His scream was lost in the harsh wind; he no longer felt King Boo's presence, and he no longer felt himself. 

Where was the floor? Where was he?

What in all the worlds had happened?

   His chest hammered violently in the center of the storm, reminding him of his mortality; and for a moment he was beginning to doubt it would last long.

But then, as abruptly as he had been swallowed up, the great force suddenly ceased its hold and died to silence; the darkness vanished away and Luigi's feet hit the floor with a thud, cutting him off with a startling reality. Heart still in his throat, he whirled in a circle, wild with confusion.

He was in... the foyer?

   Luigi blinked, covered in a mild sweat. Wh-what?... What happened? Stricken with a slight panic, he immediately felt his pockets, everything, but it was all there: Game Boy, keys, flashlight, Poltergust... He was untouched. It was as if he had been picked up by the mysterious force... and carried right back to the start.

The penetrating gaze of King Boo returned to his memory for an instant, sending Luigi stumbling backwards in disbelief. No... that had not happened. He hadn't just met the kidnapper... he hadn't just confronted such a waking terror!

...And now he was here?

Perhaps it had been another dream. At least nothing was missing, except... the chandelier.

   Struck by a sudden revelation, he froze. Feeling more unsettled than a snow globe, Luigi backed out of the center of the floor and snapped his gaze upwards.

It was impossible.

   The regal chandelier hung from the ceiling high above him, lighting up the room with the familiar light. Aside from the toadstools, who had apparently left him alone in the mansion a while back, the foyer was restored to normalcy – all was as usual.

   Luigi looked in disbelief from the floor to the ceiling several times. There was no mess, no broken glass... no signs of an accident. It left no trace or indication of the scene that had occurred there only a short while ago.

He couldn't be seeing this right. It was playing tricks on his eyes, surely...

   Slowly, Luigi brought a hand to his head, which had been plaguing him where he'd been hit. That was where the chandelier had all-too-realistically bashed him; he couldn't have imagined all that. His memories were confirmed at the sharp stinging pain that he immediately aroused on touching it; the bump felt bigger than his head was. Luigi let out a tiny whimper and started forward again.

Well, the chandelier could fix itself. It didn't matter; why should he care? Right now he should be more concerned with how he'd even gotten here in the first place.

Just instants ago he'd been before the face of evil itself... down in the deep darkness below the mansion. He had met King Boo...

And suddenly, almost in the blink of an eye, now he was back here.

   But when was the last time logic made sense?

   With a shudder, Luigi opened the heart doors and paused in the hallway on the other side, thinking it better to get out of there for now. What if the terrifying creature was watching him; leading him, trapping him?!

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