Chapter 23 - Eye of the Beholder

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Rattling like an over-excited soda can, the pot in the corner began to tremble as if it were about to burst from the inside.

   The spectral presence - presumably a ghost - appeared as a shapeless mass pouring over the edge, holding off its big reveal for what felt like an absurd amount of time. Luigi began to back away as it seemed to try to wrestle itself from the jar; but a great amount of the intimidation was killed when it became obvious that it was stuck.

Is that thing...? Luigi furrowed his eyebrow and shifted his feet. What exactly was he looking at here? Unsure whether to approach or be on guard, he ended up just standing there.

   Several long and awkward moments later, the rather odd ghost finally popped from the opening. It was certainly a strange sight to behold, when it revealed itself: mostly due to the fact that it didn't seem to belong to any species Luigi had ever heard of. It was nothing more defined than a blob - like an oversized piece of purple chewing gum, complete with a portrait ghost's yellow eyes; shapeless, transparent, and apparently Scottish.

"Oi! You! With the moustache!"

Luigi started in surprise and stared at the ghost as if he'd grown a second head. What in the world...?

The ghost didn't miss an instant. "Yeah, you! Whadda ya think o' me jar collection, then? Pretty amazing, don't you say?"

Luigi blinked. He almost forgot to be afraid, all appearances considered; however weird the situation might be. And he didn't detect much hostility in his voice... at least that Luigi could determine under the goofy accent. Just roll with it... just roll with it.

   The jar collection? Getting over the initial surprise, the human glanced around now at all the ancient pieces the ghost was talking about. True, some of them were fabulous, to be sure, with glass and ceramic and even statuesque chiseled designs; and Luigi liked to consider himself somewhat of a decorating connoisseur; but what did that have to do with any -

"Uhh... w-well I guess they are pretty –

"Welly, welly, well," the odd creature interrupted nasally, uninterested in his opinion. "We can't just let you look at 'em for free, now can we? No, I think not."

Luigi looked at him uncertainly. "W-What do you want?"

The plump ghost smiled with a puckered little mouth, which was far from menacing. "If you'd like to view me jars, you'd best challenge me first!" he declared in his precise accent.

This is getting weirder by the second. "Um... what if I don't want to?"

Like a sudden bolt of lightning across clear skies, a look of displeasure, even anger, flashed onto the ghost's puffy face. "You filthy plumber! Then quit wasting me time!" he bellowed. "If ye can't appreciate me fine pieces, go back to yer pipes!"

Luigi gasped in alarm. "H-how did... how do you know –

The ghost had quickly lost all patience. "I ask ye once, boy: will ye do me challenge or no?"

Still utterly shocked, and suddenly feeling much more insecure, Luigi stammered, "Fine by me."

Magic words. Almost instantly, the ghost's attitude snapped back and he relaxed in satisfaction. "There's a lad. It's on, then!"

On? Luigi didn't want anything to be on.

   "Now listen and do exactly as we say. See how many 'o me you can freeze with that ice, boyo!" the ghoul instructed, indicating with his rotund body a large ceramic jar, which sat precariously nearby on a table. "If ye're a good shot it won't be too much trouble."

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