First chat

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Seokmin - "Hoshi, what is wrong with you? Why are you shouting at her just because of a drink?"

Hoshi - "She haven't drink from just now so i want to be kind and give a glass of water but she give it to So Hee."

Hoshi reply with a pout.

Seokmin - "Ya. Just that? For goodness sake."

Seokmin and another guy who is quite tall laugh at him.

"Sorry. I don't feel like drinking anything now."

Hoshi -"Fine. Whatever you say rude girl."

Arghh...Can i just kill this boy now?

Dino - "Hoshi hyung. They should go now. Getting late."

Hoshi - "So fast? Can't they sleep here? They are your friends by the way."

Dino looks at So Hee, making signal. So Hee faked a cough.

So Hee - "I am not feeling well."

"Yea.. So Hee is sick."

Hoshi - "Ok. Whatever."

Dino send us down while waiting for a car to arrive. This time, the driver change. Looks like a girl.

"Dino, you have a noona too?"

"YA! I am Jeonghan! Hyung! Not noona!"

The driver or should i say hyung shouts at me.

"Sorry. You look pretty and your voice is soft though."

His expression seems frustrated but seems a bit calm after the compliment. Dino ask him to drive slowly not to wake So Hee up.


Jeonghan was about to carry her but i stopped him.

"Its ok. I can do it."

Jeonghan - "You sure?"


Dino still did not make any eye contact with me at all since just now.

Dino POV

I straight went in the van as soon as i send Ha Na and So Hee to the house. The reason i feel awkward is because she is a freaking vampire. I try not to think about it just now in case she read my mind or something.

What if she go wild and suck my blood? Wait.. she promise she won't unless i spread.

Jeonghan - "Maknae. You ok? You are so quiet from just now."

"Nothing. Just tired."

<reach at the dorm>

DK - "Dino! Dino! Dino!"

"What is it hyung?"

DK - "Is So Hee single?"

"Why are you asking?"

DK - "Just.. a fun date maybe?"

"Go away..I am tired and don't want to talk anymore."

I closed the door so loudly. It is my first time being rude at my hyung. After a few seconds, i open the door.

"Sorry hyung. I am really sorry."

DK - "Oh. Ok..Nevermind.."

They were startled after what happen that they did not talk to me for that whole night.

Lonely again. Maybe i should try chat with Ha Na.

Dino - Hi. You awake?

Ha Na - Guess?

Dino - Since you replied, means you are.

Ha Na - What do you want?

Dino - Just..

Dino - feel lonely and guilty for two things.

Ha Na - What is it?

Dino - I didn't talk to you at all. I am sorry. And also, first time i was rude to my  hyungs just now for something. Damn guilty.

Ha Na - Its ok. You were rude to your hyung because..?

Dino - I felt tired and restless..

Ha Na - Well, you did say first time.. Is it because after knowing my secret?

Dino - y-yea..

Ha Na - Did i trouble you?

Dino - No. Not that. Nevermind. You don't want to know.

Ha Na - Ok then.. Anything else to say?

Dino - If you are a vampire, why you can go under sunlight too?

Ha Na - Ya! Recall the story i told you.

Dino - Oh.. Sorry.. Then.. Goodnight Ha Na-ah. <3 

Dino - Ah. The heart is for my first friendship with someone. Hope you don't mind.

Ha Na - Ok goodnight. But don't always go and take people phone went they are in class and steal their number. Ask nicely.

Dino - Ah..sorry sorry

i had a high fever today but still need to update. i wonder if the story is smooth.

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