4. Welcome Home

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After multiple rest breaks because her 'feet were hurting' and numerous piggy-back rides, Elena and Damon eventually made it home to the Salvatore boarding house. Damon could see the excitement in Elena's eyes- but he also sensed her apprehension. As they approached the front door Damon squeezed her hand tighter to reassure her that whatever lay ahead of them- they were in this together.

Damon pushed the door open and stepped into the hallway. He let go of Elena's hand, walked around the corner and shouted up the stairs into the apparent silence,

"Stefan! Blondie! I suggest you two put some clothes on before you get down here. I don't think that Elena would appreciate seeing that."

He dropped Elena's heels at the bottom of the stairs and wandered over to the table in the living room that was scattered with Bourbon bottles and poured himself a glass. Elena sniggered. She was glad to see that some things hadn't changed. Damon heard her laugh and looked over with his cheeky, crooked half smile. He gestured the bottle to Elena but she shook her head. She wasn't in the mood for drinking. Yet. She just wanted to see Caroline and Stefan.

Damon took a sip from his glass and then smiled to himself. Elena didn't know what he found so funny until she heard a colossal thud coming from upstairs followed by a huge laugh that she immediately recognised as Caroline. She strained to hear what they were talking about but could only make out a few things,

"Stefan get up! Come on! Elena's here!!... No, put some clothes on!... Give me my top. I know you have it... I will kill you... Hurry up for christ sake!!... How does my hair look? Do I look OK?... Yes I love you too."

As a door from upstairs creaked open Elena took a deep breath and positioned herself at the bottom of the stairs. She brushed down her dress with her hands and smoothed out her hair. Footsteps flew across the upstairs floorboards which got closer and closer until Caroline appeared, running around the banister at the top of the stairs and then stopping dead in her tracks, a few steps above Elena.

"Oh my god! I can't believe you're actually here! I've missed you so much," Caroline screeched and flung herself into Elena's arms. Normally Elena would pull away pretty soon and tell her to get off, but this time, she just embraced it.

"I missed you too Car," Elena sniffed, tears already streaming down her face. Caroline let out a muffled laugh and sniffed her tears away, she never thought it would feel so good to hear Elena call her that. Despite the blurriness of her vision, Elena's eyes did not deceive her. Over Caroline's shoulder she saw Stefan at the top of the stairs, looking at the two of them, with the biggest smile she had ever seen on his face. Elena smiled back at him and pulled away from Caroline and walked up the few steps and into Stefan's arms.

"Hey you," Stefan whispered, his face hidden in Elena's hair.
"I missed you too."

"I missed you too Stefan," Elena wept, "I hope you've been looking after this one," she pulled away and gestured over to Damon who was beaming from ear to ear as he took another sip of his Bourbon.

"Don't worry, I've been doing my very best," he continued.

"Elena honey, sorry to butt in, but we need to get you out of that dress," Caroline added, very matter-of-factly. "We can have a look in mine and Stefan's room for something until we go shopping and get you some new clothes."

Elena raised her eyebrows and smiled as she turned to Stefan.
"Mine and Stefan's room?" she reiterated. Stefan blushed.

"...besides, we have so much to catch up on," Caroline continued. She grabbed one of Elena's hands and started to walk up the stairs but stopped halfway up. She looked back across the living room to Damon.
"You don't mind if I borrow her for a while do you?" she queried.

"No, no, you go right ahead. Me and Elena will have a little catch up later on," he replied, quickly flashing his eyebrows and winking at Elena. Caroline smiled and rolled her eyes. Elena bowed her head and felt her cheeks flush bright red. She reached out her spare hand and placed it on Stefan's arm,

"We'll catch up soon wont we?" she asked.

"Of course we will. Don't worry, I'll stay down here with Damon while you two sort yourselves out," he replied.

Stefan made his way down the stairs and across to Damon, who had already poured him a glass of Bourbon. Elena looked across at the two of them and smiled, but felt herself being dragged up the stairs by Caroline and into Stefan's bedroom. Caroline nudged the door open with her foot and pushed Elena inside. Just before Caroline closed the door behind the two of them, Elena heard the guys laughing from downstairs.

'Damon and Stefan are genuinely getting along? I really must have been gone for a long time,' Elena thought to herself, smiling.

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