21. A Hard Bargain

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Stefan had been crouching over Damon's lifeless body for almost fifteen minutes, waiting for him to wake after having his neck snapped. Elijah, Hayley and Freya were frantically trying to call Rebekah, in the hope that they could get hold of her before she decided to hurt Elena. Klaus had taken a more direct route to find Rebekah, by harassing Kol for answers. Klaus had noticed the way that the two of them were whispering before Elena was taken, and knew that Kol must have had something to do with it.

"Kol, what did you say to dearest Rebekah? Her mind can be easily twisted by suggestion, so please, tell us what you said to her that made her take Elena?" Klaus tried to remain calm but his voice was stern and threatening just the same.

Caroline let out a sarcastic laugh as she paced around the living room, her arms crossed over her chest. She knew that Klaus was only helping them look for Elena because if he didn't, and something happened to her, she would never forgive him.

"I didn't say anything Nik. I just simply reminded her that actions speak louder than words, and that if she wants the cure, a show of force is more effective than a polite conversation," Kol smiled wickedly back at Nik, looking across at Caroline and Stefan cheekily despite their obvious anger.

Stefan rushed from Damon's side and grabbed Kol by neck, his temper reaching boiling point,

"I swear, if anything happens to Elena, a show of force is exactly what you're going to get," Stefan spoke through gritted teeth, his eyes dark and fearless, as his hand gripped Kol's throat tighter until he could feel the pulse in Kol's neck in the palm of his hand.

Caroline raced over to Stefan and placed her hand on his bicep, forcing him to let go of Kol's neck. As Stefan dropped his hand, Kol rolled his head around, rubbing his neck.

"Don't Stefan, he's not worth it," Caroline added sharply, glaring over at Kol. She moved her hand from Stefan's bicep and placed it on the side of his face, calming him down immediately.

Right on cue, Damon let out a huge gasp for breath as he finally woke up. He immediately sat upright, holding his neck. His face was covered in confusion, but then, it was all replaced with anger. Before Stefan had the chance to stop him, Damon went straight for Klaus, grabbing him by the neck and pushing him up against the wall by the fireplace. Despite Klaus being far stronger than him, he seemed somewhat sympathetic and so he let Damon hold him there,

"WHERE IS SHE?!! WHAT HAS YOUR PSYCHOTIC SISTER DONE WITH HER?! I SWEAR IF YOU'VE EVEN..." Damon shouted right in Klaus' face, eyeball to eyeball with him. Kol interrupted his rage,

"Save your breath mate, Stefan's already threatened me. Before you ask, I have no idea where Rebekah has taken her. I have no idea what she'll do to her if you don't give her what she wants..." Kol smirked, as he poured himself a glass of Bourbon and went to take a seat on the sofa.

Before he had chance to sit down, Damon had dropped Klaus and ran over to Kol, smacking the glass out of his hand and sending it shattering into one of the walls. At the sound of the glass smashing and dropping on the floor, Hope and the twins all jumped and let out a little shriek. Elijah quickly intervened and stood between Kol and Damon. He could see out of the corner of his eye that Kol was grinning devilishly at Damon, as if he was challenging him to make a move.

Elijah placed his hand on Damon's shoulder, to reassure him, and to also hold him back.

"We'll find her Damon. You have my word," Elijah soothed, smiling feebly.

Just as Damon was about to reply, Elijah jumped as he felt his phone begin to vibrate in his pocket. He quickly let go of Damon's shoulder and reached for his phone. As he took it out of his pocket, he was relived, but also anxious, to see who it was that was calling.

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