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Dear reader,

If you are reading this, it is because I was successful, and everything went according to The Plan. I want you to know that normally I don't play at being cupid, and it is in no way part of my day-job to get people to fall for each other. And no, it's not part of my night job either. Honestly, if it hadn't been for that blasted rain, I don't think I ever would have come up with such an amazing idea. (Yes it was amazing, No I'm not narcissistic, I swear.)

Now, I've written this while sitting in my girlfriends bedroom. I've included a few pages of my personal journal (No, Sally, you cannot read it!) to highlight a few of the larger points in this narrative. It's time for me to be getting to work. This country doesn't run itself, you know! Hopefully when I get to the office, it will be minus one Holmes, as I ordered him to take the morning off. (Yes, I'm talking to you, Mycroft! Get back in bed and STAY THERE or I'll tell Greg to handcuff you to the bed. Actually, that's not such bad idea...)

Anyways, this is it for now. I really must be going.

With lots of love,

THE PLAN (or as I like to call it: Operation Mystrade)Where stories live. Discover now