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"This is by far the best idea you've ever had, sir." I say, wiping the rain from my eyes and taking another sloshing step forwards. "Honestly, I couldn't have picked a better time for a nice stroll about town." I step sideways to avoid a puddle, although it is a bit pointless at this point, considering my shoes are completely soaked through. My bloody expensive suede leather boots. Damn it, I loved these boots.

          "Anthea, your theatrics are not helping." Mr. Holmes's terse reply came while I was stepping forwards, and I turned around with my eyebrows raised.

          "Au contraire, I find that they are doing quite well to lift my mood." I once again dodge around a puddle, slowing my pace to match that of my employer's. Although on a normal day he would most likely be far ahead of me, Mycroft seemed unsure of himself in the pouring rain, trying his best to avoid puddles so as not to ruin his no doubt incredibly expensive shoes. I shake my head, impressed as I compare the damage on my footwear to the somehow still pristine condition of Mycroft's. I turn away from our feet and stare ahead. We are still more than three blocks from our destination, and by the time we reach Baker Street, we will both be soaked to the bone.

          "Remind me why I thought this was a good idea?" I hear from beside me, and I glance over at Mycroft. I can't help but smile as I watch him trying to push his sopping hair off his face, with little success. Every time he gets his no longer perfectly gelled hair out of his eyes, it falls back down again. He is scowling grumpily and staring slightly cross eyed at his hair.

I cover my mouth so as not to let loose the giggle that I can feel trying to escape. Oh god, this is priceless. If I didn't think he would murder me and hide my body where no one would ever find it, I would risk taking a picture. Instead, I turn my face away.

          "I haven't the faintest. I do however know why I decided to join you." I smirk.

I hear a huff from beside me. "If you breath one word of this to anyone in the office, I will not replace your very expensive suede boots."

I can't help myself; I laugh. "Oh no, I wouldn't dream of it sir."

Mr. Holmes nods. "Good."

Smirking, I can't help but add, "Once your brother see's you like this, I'll have no need."

My boss stops walking. Like, he actually freezes for a moment. I turn to look at him. His eyes are wide and his mouth has fallen open slightly. With the sopping auburn curls draped over his forehead and the rain dripping down his nose, it's possibly the most comical thing I've ever seen. I don't get the chance to appreciate it however, since I'm too busy being worried about why Mycroft is completely silent and still, standing in the pouring rain in the middle of a London sidewalk.

          "Sir?" I ask tentatively, reaching a hand out slowly to wave in front of his face. "Are you still with me, sir?"

THE PLAN (or as I like to call it: Operation Mystrade)Where stories live. Discover now