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'So how's your mother?" ask my dad sitting down on the rooftop. I also sat down. "W-well..Mother is..she's-.." I sigh holding back my tears "M-Mo-mother is dead!" I said and then cry.

" Hush Snow dont cry" said my Father as he hugged me.My father then wipe my tears and I could tell that he's smiling.  smile back and we both laugh.

Someone then whistle. " Whoohoo Go Kakashi! I didnt know you like the younger types!"

" She's mine da-"

" I kow i know she's your darling Kakashi but when are you-"

" Who is this Father?" i asked pointing at the guy in a green jumpsuit and black hair.

" Fa-fa-fa-fa-FATHER?!" he yelled.

" Yes Gai she's my Daughter SNow Hatake, SNow this is Gai M-"

" I am Gai Your father's rival"


Okay? " Um..Mister but are you the guy my father told me who he kic-"

" Aha Snow thats enough for today lets go rest-" Sudenly three Shuriken flew passed us. "What was that?" I whispered scared.

"Gai get Snow out of here" whispered my father.

"follow me snow" said Gai as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop....damn ninjas. 

" COME ON!" He shouted. I-i cant...i cant...

" I-i cant..i cant do that" i told him looking down. " Snow Quickly!" Whispered my father. 

" Fa-father but-" A white pale snake like guy then appeared. My father ran to me quickly standing infront of me. 

" What do you want?!" hissed my father. 

" Oh nothing much just a crystal." He said. My eyes widen...dont tell me he wants whats inside of me. 

" Why attack us?" said my father. The snake guy reply by pointing at me. He knows...isnt this suppose to be only a secret? 

" YO! KAKASHI SENSEI!" I looked down and saw a yellow haired boy and a guy with pineapple shaped hair. 

" Naruto!" said Kakashi. 

" Snow nows your chance escape!" said my father. 

" F-father I-i'm I'm no-" 

" JUMP NOW!" Shouted my father. 

I closed my eyes and jumped down. " IDIOT! NOT DOWN!" yelled my father. I thought i was going to crash and die...but i ended up on top of someone...

" AH!!!! Shikamaru! Help me i'm being acttacked!" oh its just the yellow haired boy. 

I then saw my dad fall down and landed safely on his two feet. He carried me and took me away. 

" WHy didnt you tell me earlier?" asked my father. 

" Sorry.." i whispered. Seeing how my father was disappointed in me really sucks. 

" ha...have you ever been train?" asked my father. 

"Well..Ive been trained and learned that I have no charka. So..I was trained in simply stuff like archery" i told him. He let me down and we walked. 

" but why? why didnt you tell me before?" asked my father. 

I looked away" Its because my mother didnt want to worry you and ruin your name the copy cat ninja" 

He sighs " Look what else is there that i should know?" 

I held my chest. " Well you see father...inside of me...instead of a heart theres a crystal. Mother told me once that its called the...um..e-el-el?"

" Its the Element Crystal..." 

" You know too Dad?" 

" Yea I've read it in the snow scroll once.I really didnt read it but caught a glimpse of it. It was when some theif wanted to steal the snow's secret scrolls" he explained. 

I see...but then...whats it for? Why is it inside of me?

" Well were going to get some rest tomorrow morning i'm going to introduce you to some people" said my father.

We went inside his house and I lay on a bed while my dad left to his room to sleep. I stay up..listening to the silent cries of my father for my mother.

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