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later that night

The car ride home was very uncomfortable.  First of all, Elijah told me he didn't want me talking to Grayson.  I don't know why he's so worried.  I never see him and he has a girlfriend, he shouldn't worry about it.  Besides, I don't plan on seeing him again.

at the apartment

Elijah dropped me off and I walk in to see Jess on the couch working.  She is such a hard worker, I'm so proud of her.

"Hey Jess-bear, what's up?"

"Oh nothing much, just have lots of work, how about you huh, how was your date, oh and thanks for the food by the way?", she said with a smile.

"Your welcome and please, oh my god, I don't want to talk about it"

"What, what happened?!"

"Guess who I saw at the restaurant.."

"Don't tell me..uhh....Grayson?"

"YES!", I said as I fell back on-top of the couch.

"Yikes, oh my god, what did he say, what happened?!"

I told her everything and how Grayson looked so different.  I told her how Elijah didn't really like Grayson.  Most of all, I told her about his girlfriend, Liana.

"Wow, a lot has happened since then, but what do you think about his girlfriend, Liana?"

"I mean, she's pretty and seems nice, but I could tell she wasn't fond of me, but why should I care I mean, I'm over him"

"Well, all I can say is that, Grayson made a mistake for leaving you, because as far as I know, you are the greatest girlfriend anyone can ask for."

She hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her.  I honestly couldn't ask for a better friend.  Jess was like my sister.  She was always there for me.  I don't know what I'd do without her.

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