You Have to Remember

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Amnesia. An inability to remember. A loss of memory....


Grayson's pov

I stepped out of the room. I leaned on the wall. I was thinking over and over again how this was my fault. I placed my hands on my face. I started to cry. And cry and cry. I couldn't believe it. She lost her memory.

This is all my fault
What am I going to do?
I love her so much
But she doesn't remember me
Or maybe even know me
Why did this happen?
What did she do to deserve this?

I couldn't stop crying. I heard footsteps through the hallway. The doctor came over to me. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Son, you need to hear this, it isn't very good, but you need to know that...your friend has been affected greatly by the crash. The hit to her head has been too much. She seems to have partial memory loss, or also known as Amnesia. She isn't very conscious of what had happened or who is around her right now. It may be best for you to just go home for a bit and let her rest."

I looked up at him, "Did you say partial memory loss?"

"Um, yes I did."

"So does that mean she may still remember me?"

"Well, yes there is a chance, but we are not sure yet how she will take things right now, you just need to leave her to rest, and she wi-"

"I am NOT leaving her! I'm staying with her, if she still remembers, then she may remember me, so I need to help her. You have to let me stay with her...please sir."

He looked at me and finally stood straight, "Okay, but please don't throw things at her she won't be able to take in, she needs to be in stable condition right now."

"Thank you sir, thank you."

The doctor walked away and I wiped my tears away. I peaked through the window. Gabi was watching tv. I took deep breaths.

It's okay
Just stay calm
She will remember

I opened the door and walked inside. She looked over at me. She turned the tv off and straightened herself. I sat next to her on a nearby chair. I looked at her. She looked me in the eyes. I could tell she didn't know me, at all.

" me, do you remember who I am?"

She gave me a weak smile, "I'm really sorry, but I don't remember, are you

"N-n-no...I-I'm your, um..,it's me, Grayson, your..boyfriend"

She looked at me with confusion in her eyes, "Oh, um really, I didn't really know, I'm really sorry."

"I-I...", I started to tear up, I couldn't believe it, that's it. She doesn't remember me at all. I lost her...

"You don't remember anything, our first date in the garden, or what happened with your family. That time we were up on the roof..."

"I don't really remem-"

"Or that time that I saw you at the restaurant. The time that I fought Elijah for you."

"Please stop! I don't remember I'm sorry but please sto-"

I started to get frustrated, "Gabi you have to remember me, I can't loose you again! I need you Gabi, I love you so much. Please remember me!!"

She started to hyperventilate. I put my hand on her cheek and rubbed her back.

"Gabi, GABI! Gabi are you okay?!"

I heard a buzz. Before I knew it the doctor and nurses rushed to her aid. The doctor screamed.

"Son, what did I tell you! You weren't supposed to scare her like that! She's unstable. You need to leave, now!"

The nurses started to pull me away but I didn't want to move.

"NO! Gabi! Wait, stop!"

The nurses struggled to pull me out of the room, but before I knew it, she was out of my reach...

so bored bups, oh my god I hate it, ughhhhhh! Anyways, OMG, she lost her memory noooo

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