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at the hospital

Grayson's pov

Liana and I waited in the waiting room. Gabi was getting checked on. They said she may need to stay here a few more days, since she hit her head pretty hard. Elijah was still in his room. To be honest, I didn't really care what happens to him. I know that sounds really evil, but he hurt Gabi, he's on my bad side now.

The doctor came out and called her name, "Gabrielle O'Connor?".

I stood up and Liana walked over with me to talk to the doctor. He told us that she was alright, but she needed to stay one more day, to just check up on her.

"Okay, thank you so much doc", I said.

"You're very lucky, she was very close to getting a concussion, but she was very lucky."

"I know, I prayed, probably worked", I smiled.

"Haha, I guess it did, but anyways, you'll be able to pick her up tomorrow."

"Thank you again doc"

He smiled and walked away. As for Elijah, they said he will be out in a few days. I guess I beat him up pretty badly. I couldn't control it for some reason. After him hurting Gabi, I just wanted to kill him.


Me and Liana were about to leave, but I wanted to see Gabi before I go. Liana stayed behind and waited in the waiting room. I walked over to her room. I looked through the door window. She was there, laying peacefully. I walked in and sat down next to her. I took a look at her. She had bruises on her wrists and on her face. I held her hand & gently rubbed it. She was asleep. So I just decided to talk to her I guess.

"Hey Gabi, it's Grayson. I really hope you're okay now. Seeing you get hurt today. It hurt me. I know I shouldn't have followed you, but I couldn't help it. I wanted to make sure you were okay. Look, I know you can't hear me right now. I know you're a deep sleeper. I know a lot of things about you. I know you hate bugs. You like romantic things, even if they are cheesy. You love sweets. You love fashion. I know your earbuds are always in, always playing music. You love cuddling. One thing I wish I knew, was if....if you...still loved me. I just wanted you to know that, I still care about you. I thought all my feelings were gone. I thought I got over you, but I guess I didn't. I guess I just needed you to trigger them again. They were just hiding. It hurts so much. I want to tell you, to tell you how I really feel. I still want to be there by your side, be your protector, your other half. I know right now it's not possible, you have a fiancé, and I have a girlfriend....but I wish things were different. I regret leaving you that day, a lot. Although, I did make a promise..."



"God damn it!! FINE!!", I turned and faced Gabi, "Gabi just do it, I don't want your family to die because of me..... it's okay, remember..", I hugged her and kissed her on the forehead, "I'll always love you.."

She hugged me back, she started to ball, "I lo-love you too Gray.."

I let go. I knew this is what it had to be, I had to help save her family.

She spoke, "We....promise, just let my family go, now"

"Good, and don't worry, I'll keep an eye out for your two to make sure you keep your promise, cause if you don't, you k ow what happens", then Victoria slid her finger across her throat.

Me and Gabi looked at each other. I hugged her for the last time. I whispered into her ear....

"I'll see you again, I promise..."


"...and I never broke it. I said I will meet you again....and I did. Most important of all......I will never ever, stop loving you, remember that...."

I looked at her again. I kissed her forehead and left the room in tears.

Gabi's pov

I can't believe what I just heard......he still loves me? I can't believe it. I was shocked, but in some way, happy. To tell the truth, I still loved him too. Elijah has never acted like this before, but now, seeing his other side, I don't want to be part of it. I had so many emotions going on. I still loved Gray, but there was Elijah, and Liana in the way. I wanted to tell him I feel the same way. I just don't think it's the right time.....

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