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Grayson's pov

The police & ambulance finally came after minutes of waiting. The police asked a few questions, and I told them whatever I could tell them. I watched as the medics carried Gabi on a gurney inside the ambulance truck. I asked if I could stay with her, but they asked who I was first.

"I'm her boyfriend.."

"Oh okay, sure, I'm very sorry this happened..."

"Me too.."

We drove off to the hospital and I watched as they examined & checked Gabi. I held her hand the whole way, nervously looking at her.

"It's okay, we're almost there son..", the ambulance driver said.

I looked over at him and then at Gabi. I held her hand tight, the whole ride, not letting go.

at the hospital

I sat in the waiting room. I couldn't sit still. I ran my fingers through my hair. I rubbed my hands together. I was so worried. I couldn't get her out of my head.

please be okay
please be okay

I said inside my head over and over again. I finally saw the doctor walk through the the hall. I quickly stood up. He looked at me with disappointment. He spoke.

"She's staying in room 203, she's alright bu-"

"I need to see her!"

I started to run for the room.

"Wait she's not stable yet, you have t-"

I didn't care what he had to say next. I ran for the room without hesitation. I reached room 203. I peered through the door window. I saw her on the hospital bed resting. I slowly opened the door and walked towards the bed, as quiet as I could.

I sat down next to her and just stared at her. She had tubes inside her arm and stitches on her forehead. There were a few bruises & cuts here and there. I teared up. Knowing she got hurt and I wasn't able to protect her, I felt like shit. I held her hand with my left hand, and rubbed her face with, my right.

I didn't want to wake her up, but I guess I failed. She slowly opened her eyes. She looked so beat up and tired. She slowly looked around the room with her eyes half open. She looked at me and I gave her the biggest smile I could.

"Oh, Gabi. I got so worried. I knew I should've just let you stay at my place, or at least gone with you. I'm so sorry. I love you so much. I hate seeing you get hurt. But don't worry, I'll always be here now. I'm not letting you out of my sight. I love you too much to let you go.."

I kissed her on the forehead. She looked at me. Her face had a blank expression. She started to look at me with confusion.

"Gabi, what's wrong?.."

Her next words were my worst fear.

"Who are you?"

oh my god guys it's been so long, how are you guys?! I'm so glad I'm back, I missed this & I missed you guys😭:)))))💜

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