Chapter 2

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"Ava!!" Neil screeched and launched herself at me as soon as I set foot into the school's parking lot.

"Hmmph" I grunted as the impact of her body hit me.

"Can't.breath." I managed as she continued to squeeze the life out of me.

"Oh,I'm sorry"she said sheepishly finally releasing me,"it's just that its been so long since we saw each other and I missed you so much" she continued sniffing dramatically while I was still busy trying to get air into my lungs.

Shooting her a death glare I wheezed out "we saw each other on Thursday and we also face timed and texted through out the weekend,I don't think you would have missed me enough to want to strangle me to death"

"Oh hush,can't a girl be dramatic?" She huffed.

"Not by strangling her bestfriend" I glared at her.

"You're no fun at all" she pouted.

I was about to reply but was cut off by a loud squeal.

We looked over and saw a group of girls squealing and pointing at a silver Lamborghini that slid smoothly into the parking lot.

The car was probably driven by Christian Taylor -because I've never saw a car like that at school before- to drop his little sister Zoe who was also a senior.

Christian and Zoe Taylor are the children of Mallory and Bradley Taylor. They are the Taylors of Taylor's groove.

Taylor's groove was founded by Bradley's great grandfather,so the town was named after him since his name was Taylor and since there are a lot of mountains here it was named Taylor's groove.

Generations after generations of Taylors have been the unofficial mayors of Taylor's groove since then.

Zoe got out of the car wearing a black Jean,grey shirt and black jacket with a pink scarf,her red hair in a ponytail.

She walked to the driver's side of the car just as an Adonis stepped out.

I distinctly heard Neil gasping,and I could understand her surprise,no one has ever seen the Taylor juniors.

Zoe just got transferred to our school last week,and throughout last week she wasn't able to come because she was busy with something in Australia -according to rumours.

Christian Taylor was so breathtaking and even I had to admit it.

He was a 6'5 - I know because Neil told me,don't ask me how she knows - eye candy with messy brown hair,electric grey eyes that I could tell would look really better up close,broad shoulders that showed he was hiding some serious packs under his shirt.

He bent down to give Zoe a kiss on the cheek and after hugging her,got back in his car and sped off.

"Wow" I looked beside me to see Zoe looking dreamily at the spot Christian's car was.

I nudged her in the ribs and said "let's get going,wouldn't want to miss first period on the second week of resumption now would we?"

"Not unless I want to feel the wrath of Mrs Rodriguez" she said thankfully snapping out of her trance.

Mrs Rodriguez is our school principal and contrary to popular beliefs of principals she was really nice and always smiling...until you break the rules.

It's now third period and I have English which is my favorite subject and ironically one of the few classes I have without Neil.

I got to class just after mr Parker,our English teacher did and scurried to my seat at the back of the classroom at the same time mr Parker called out "settle down guys,I have news for you".

Everyone immediately sat up straighter and waited expectantly for him to continue as mr Parker rarely had news for us in class unless it was really important.

"As you guys know,we rarely accept transfer students in senior year but as you obviously know we've made an exception,I would like you all to welcome miss Taylor to Taylor high"

Everyone one watched astonished as Zoe came in looking confident and Mr Parker continued "Go have a seat beside miss Blake miss Taylor".

Zoe looked around confused probably looking for the miss Blake,then I realized stupidly that I was the miss Blake she was looking for.

I raised my hand and said "over here".

She came over to me and sat on the empty seat beside me.

Once she was comfortable she looked at me saying "Hi I'm Zoe,and you are stunning".

I smiled and said "hi Zoe,I'm Ava and you are also stunning".

She tsked and said "you can't compliment me using my own words".

I grinned showing her my dimples and said "you are right,pardon my manners madam"I continued using an obviously fake British accent "you are breathtaking"

"You are ..." Whatever she was about to say was cut short by mr Parker's throat clearing really loudly.

"If we are done with the introductions,can I continue?"he said pointedly looking at Zoe and I.

We sheepishly looked  down and Zoe muttered a "we are sorry mr Parker".

"Very well then,as I was saying since miss Blake now has a partner,it means the seats are all filled up which can only mean one thing",he said pausing dramatically "Group works".

Everybody groaned and mr Parker added "Now now,don't be a lazy lot,you don't even know the project I'm giving you yet".

We calmed down a bit as we realized Mr Parker may give difficult assignments but he wasn't unreasonable.

"The project each group are going to work on is going to be different from others,your seat partner is your group partner. Now each seat choose someone to come pick a topic ballot" he said placing a bowl on his desk "the topic you see in your ballot is what you are going to work on,you all have three months".

The chosen people started getting up to take a ballot and Zoe said "hurry before all the good topics are taken".

I stood up and went to Mr Parker's desk tentatively taking a ballot,I went back to my seat and flopped down giving Zoe the ballot "I can't do it,check what the topic is" I said biting my nails nervously.

She laughed and took it from me,she immediately opened it and read it out loud "'Do a research on the history of Taylor's groove and write a 8000 word essay on your research',well that's pretty easy".

"You think?" I asked. I mean 8000 words? Seriously?.

"Well,you got me as your partner and honey I don't mean to brag or anything but I'm pretty sure I know where we can get everything we'll need,and if all goes as planned we should done by at least 4 to 5 weeks" she said.

"Really?,where?"I asked again

"My brother Christian has a really big library stocked up with books on the history of Taylor's groove,and I'm sure he wouldn't mind us working at his apartment"she replied

"Are you sure?,we could go to the public library,I'm not picky" I offered not wanting to invade her brother's home.

"Oh,I'm positive he won't mind" she said waving her hand "so can we start tomorrow?, you will have tonight to tell your parents,I would really love it if we started early".

"Ok" I agreed. Just then the school bell rang and we said goodbye and went our separate ways,just as I got to the door I saw Neil waiting for me so I quickly updated her as we went to lunch together.

Hey guys! So fun fact: I've never been outside my country,I envy people that travel so I created Zoe-she travels a lot ;).
What do you guys think of this chapter?,I would love to see your comments,and please don't forget to vote.

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