Chapter 4

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I woke up with a start as I realised I fell asleep in the middle of miss Turner's -our history teacher - droning  on about the history of the Statue of Liberty.

Don't get me wrong,I find it very fascinating that the French are willing to go to that length to call a truce and end the war but the way miss Turner was explaining it made it sound boring and when I get bored I get really drowsy.

I picked up my bag and started packing my history textbook and a notebook really slowly as everyone rushed out.

The truth is,I'm not too eager to go to the cafeteria because I have lunch with Neil and we always sit together.

This morning after she picked me up and we were on our way to school she started making noises about inviting Zoe to sit with us for lunch since we now have a project together and we need to get to know each other. Like she would leave her friends to come sit with us I scoffed.

Taylor high is not a cliche high school with bad boys and the popular group and all that jazz since it was a small town with population 2,500 and almost everyone knew each other one way or another,and i guess since Zoe just joined us three weeks ago she couldn't have made a lot of friends but she's being seating with the cheerleaders who are the bitches and only cliche in our school.

The guys in the football team are actually really nice and sweet.

I shuddered as I remembered what happened this morning with Neil,she could be really determined.

I got out of the house and sat on the porch stairs waiting for Neil. Thankfully I didn't have to wait long for I saw her familiar little bright green car at a short distance away.

I stood up and waited for her to park the car so I could get in but immediately she did she shot out of the car shaking her head and tsked "No can do missy,get back inside"

"What?" I asked puzzled.

"Your outfit" she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the word.

Still a little confused I looked down to see if somehow the faded jeans,oversized T-shirt and sneakers I wore this morning had gotten swapped with rags because she was looking at me like I was wearing one.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked still puzzled.

"Just no,you are going to the house of one of the top 3 richest people in Arizona and you are wearing that??!" She finally elaborated looking at my body disdainfully.

"I'm not going there to impress anybody Neil" I said slowly as if talking to a child "besides I could care less what he thinks about me" I finished airily.

"We are not going anywhere until I pick out new clothes for you" she said firmly and from the determined look on her face,I knew she was not going to let it go.

Sighing resignedly I grumbled "fine but make it quick,I don't want to be late" I wasn't even done talking before she swept past me going inside and calling "morning Diane,oh hi Rick" cheerfully to my  parents as she climbed up the stairs to my room.

Feeling my shoulders slump I followed her in mumbling incoherently under my breath.

By the time I got there she already had my outfit picked out and I had to admit it was nice. I was just too lazy to pick out any outfit this morning.

She chose a deep blue skinny jeans - so deep they were almost black- a light pink tank top she claims will make my eyes pop out and my elbow length black leather jacket,a black beanie,leather bracelets and a wristwatch,my long butterfly necklace to be paired with black ankle boots.

Looking at the outfit I was really glad it wasn't cold anymore cause the beanie wasn't thick at all it was those fashion beanie types and the jacket although leather was really thin.

Getting into the outfit under her watchful stare,she gave me a thumbs up deciding I didn't need any makeup to enhance my beauty and boy was I glad.

Sighing I picked up my bag and we left.

Getting up from my chair,I got out seeing her already waiting for me,"what took you so long?" She asked suspiciously "you weren't trying to hide were you?".

She knew me so well.

"Of course not" I retorted "besides where would I go?,you would probably find me in three minutes if I did" I added.

"Good point" she smiled.

We went into the cafeteria together and grabbing our lunch trays we joined the short queue,unfortunately for me Zoe was the last person on the line meaning she was right in front of us.

Noticing this,Neil perked up and said "hey Zoe".

"Hi" she replied puzzled probably because she didn't know Neil.

Realising this Neil introduced herself "I'm Neil,Ava's best friend" as she said this the line moved a little leaving only three people in front of Zoe but Neil continued unfazed "so I was thinking,since you and Ava got paired up on a three month project you should start sitting with us during lunch,that way we can all get to know each other" by the time she was done there was only one person in front of Zoe.

Zoe looked uncomfortable not sure what to say and there was a few seconds of silence "I wouldn't want to intrude on you guys" she finally said.

"Don't worry about it" Neil waved dismissively and when Zoe didn't reply she added "it's settled then" nudging her a little she told Zoe "it's your turn now,grab your lunch and wait for us at our table over there" she pointed to it so Zoe could see it.

"Ok" she said and I groaned internally,this is going to be a long lunch.

Hey guys! What do you think of Zoe? You'll be seeing more of her in the coming chapters ;)
Fun fact: Blurred lines was once titled 'modern day cinderella'. Don't ask me why,I'm just really bad with titles.
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