Chapter 3

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"Oh my God,I can't believe it,you are such a lucky bitch" Neil kept ranting and I was not in the mood to ask her how being stuck in a stupid group project for three months is lucky.

Mr Parker later told us that the project is our test,which puts a lot more pressure on us seeing as the two people in each group are going to have to share the mark so the work has to be perfect.

"I can't believe it" Neil said again.

"Well start believing it"I snapped massaging my forehead with my fingers.

We haven't even left the school park and I'm already nursing a headache.

This car ride would be the longest ten minutes of my life because I have a feeling Neil wasn't going to let this go anytime soon.

It's times like these I wish I was 18 and could have a license and therefore my own car why couldn't I be born in Canada?.

"You are going to be working with Zoe Taylor in the home of THE Taylor because Christian is practically the Taylor of Taylor's groove. It's his house right?" Neil continued as if I never said anything pulling out of the school park.

"Hey",she took one hand off the wheel and snapped it in my face "did you zone out on me?,you know you've been doing that a lot lately" she said "oh my God!,have you been thinking of chri..."

"Watch out!!" I screeched pointing.

She hurriedly returned her hand to the wheel and swerved the car to the right narrowly missing hitting a tree.

"Oh my God!"it was my turn to exclaim "you are going to get me killed,I'm only 17 and my birthday is still three months away and you are going to kill me" I continued ranting.

"Oh don't be so dramatic"Neil said waving her hand airily.

"I'm being dramatic?,I'M BEING DRAMATIC???!" I said my voice getting louder with each word i uttered "you almost hit a tree because you weren't paying attention to the road and you think I'M being dramatic??!" I said in disbelieve.

"Ok,you are right,I'm sorry" she said biting her lips sheepishly and I almost felt guilty for yelling at her  "but don't think we are not discussing this thoroughly at lunch tomorrow" she continued not taking her eyes off the road this time.

"I wouldn't dream of it" I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?"Neil asked obviously hearing me.

"I said ok" I replied.

"Good" she retorted.

"Bye Avie!!!,I will pick you up tomorrow bright and early,love ya!!" Neil yelled honking and waving her hand wildly as she pulled out of my driveway.

"Love you too babe" I called out.

Once the car disappeared around a corner and I couldn't see her anymore,I turned and opening the front door I yelled to whoever may hear "I'm home!".

"Hey sweetie" my dad came out of the kitchen just as I got into the living room.

"DADDY!!" I shrieked and jumped into his outstretched arms "I missed you so much,when did you get back?,are you ok?,has mom seen you?,where is mom?" I rushed out not giving him a chance to answer.

Dad put me down chuckling and ruffling my hair ,he said "I missed you too sweetie,I got back 3 hours ago,I'm ok,your mom has seen me and she's in the kitchen,why don't you go and wash up?,then you can join us down here,Alex is also here".

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