The Best Man (1)

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I glanced down at the sheets covering my naked body, realizing what I'd done. It wasn't suppose to go this way, this wasn't my plan. I began to think of myself as a whore, what real woman would ever do this. I glanced down at the 14k White Diamond engagement ring that sat on the second finger of my left hand.

He would never forgive me for this, no matter how much I begged and pleaded. He would look down on me, our relationship will be over if he finds this out.

I closed my eyes, feeling the tears roll down my cheek. My eyes fluttered open once I heard a creeking noise, seeing the bedroom door open.

Beauty in the most magnificent form stood before me, shirtless with loose-fitting grey sweatpants.
Aubrey, the best friend of my soon-to-be husband.
He was going to be the best man in my fucking wedding for God's sake, and I'd fucked him. It wasn't suppose to happen, I didn't fucking plan this.

Last night was reckless, very reckless if I must say so myself. I was at the club with my girls, enjoying myself a little too much. Aubrey happened to be there, and offered to give me a ride home since my friends were somewhere scattered across the club. I was off of ten shots of Hennessy, and it's true that 'Henny-thing' is possible once you have it in your system.

I rarely ever drink, but last night I felt different. I was away from Meek since he was out of town, and I wanted to be spontaneous, in a good way. Being the friend he was, I saw no harm in getting ride home, until we had to stop by his place to pick something up. I contemplated on staying in the car, but I didn't really feel right staying in the car by myself that late at night.

It was probably the biggest mistake I'd ever made because I gave myself to him. The most precious thing I'd kept away from Meek, I'd chosen to give it away to his best friend. I wasn't a virgin, but Meek and I never had sex. I had this big thing about giving myself away, especially since I dealt with a lot in a previous relationship.

"Stop looking at me like I'm a piece of fucking cake, can you please take me home"? I got out of the bed, still covering my body with the white sheet. "Where is my fucking underwear, I could've swor-".
I looked at him, seeing the Red-Laced thongs in his hand.

"They were by the front door, wonder how they got
out there", he said while smirking. I rolled my eyes, walking over to him only to snatch the panties out of his hand.

"Please don't ever mention this to anyone, I-I".

"You're not going to tell him? You're going to get married and go on like this never happened"? I nodded my head, "Meek doesn't need to know this, it'll break his fucking heart. This won't happen again, it was a mistake".

He chuckled in a sarcastic tone, but it seemed so serious. "Do you even love him"?

"What type of question is that?! I've spent the last two years of my life with this man". He shrugged his shoulders, "That doesn't mean you love him, it's simply means that you've been with him for two years".

"What the fuck does that suppose to mean"?

"It means that you don't love him, you're settling".

I sighed, slipping my dress over my body. "And you're Dr.Phil now, great".

"I'm no a doctor, but I do know real love when I see it. I remember when you two met in Miami, I was actually suppose to have you. I pointed you out, told everyone how beautiful you were, but I was too late. Before I even had the chance, Meek had already gotten your number".

I looked at him in disbelief, "So you've been preying on me for the last two years? This must feel like an accomplishment, you had me.. Are you happy"?

He shook his head, "Don't marry him and I'll be even happier, he doesn't deserve you Nic. You really think that he's the one for you?! Look at how he treats you".

"What are you talking about Aubrey?! You don't know anything about us"! My voice started to get louder, it was a habit when I switched into a defensive mode.

"I know about it all. He disrespects you in front of anybody, he doesn't cherish you like the queen you are".

"He-he just gets a little carried away sometimes, he doesn't mean it". He grabbed my face, forcing me to turn towards him. "You really think he loves you? I've known that nigga way longer than you, trust me. You really think he hasn't been fucking around on you, you really think he's the one"?!

I pulled away from him, "STOP IT! Why are you doing this to me now? I can't hurt him like this, I just can't. If it was the other way around, how would you feel? He's your best friend, my fiancé.. We just can't".

He sighed, "Love conquers all Onika, you don't fucking love him. He moved you out here to LA, turned you against your family. If you were meant to be together, you wouldn't have been in my bed last night". He stepped closer to me, causing my heavy breathing to increase. "I saw it in your eyes, the way you watched me kiss every part of your body".
I stepped to the side, but he followed me. "Do you love me"?  choked out, as he reached out to touch my shoulder.

"Answer the fucking question Onika.. If you don't, you can go and we don't ever have to mention this to anyone".

I bit my bottom lip due to my nervousness, "I can't do that to him, I'm sorry Aubrey".


I rinsed my body for the 10th time, wiping all of the 'dirt' off of me. I felt so vulnerable, so naked when I was around him. No matter how much I tried to get it in my head that I wanted Meek, I didn't want to stay away from Aubrey. The sexual connection we had last night was undeniable, but everything in me wanted to never see his face again.

Reminiscing on everything that occurred last night, he knew that he had a hold over me.

He dropped me off at home earlier, and the ride was fairly silent. Half of me felt renewed, I'd had the best sex of my life. The other half of me felt slutty, I'd fucked my man's friend. It was a thrill running through my veins, thinking about the pleasure and the guilt at once.

If this was wrong, I didn't want to be right. Deep down I enjoyed every inch of Aubrey, but hated it.

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