Chapter 2- New Student?

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Jordan's POV
We all get to our lockers, they're all next to each other, and we get our books for Hour 1. I have study hall with Ashley, Liv and Jacob have French, and Emily and Angie have English. We all hug and say bye and good luck for the first day of classes. Ashley and I then link arms and skip off to study hall.
I walk in and sit down in the back row. Every teacher I've had loved me so I always got to sit in the back because I was a good student. Ashley sits down on my left and we start talking about our summers. She spent most of it with her boyfriend Kenny. It sounded like a lot of fun though, there was a lot of camping for her which is cool. My summer was kind of boring to me though. I went around to the different towns in my state taking pictures everywhere I went. I'm in to photography so I like to capture all the memories. Taking pictures of random people I love because I capture the essence of them when it's a candid. Selfies are a hobby too because I like to see my reactions to places that I go. That's all I did over my summer, well that and watch Netflix because why not 😂. Anyway, so after we finish that convo we just start talking about how we think the year is going to go. The bell rings and class is about to start just as someone walks in.
"New kid?" I whisper talk to Ashley because we are near the doorway.
"Yeah, that's Blake Gray," She said.
"I think I've seen him on Younow before"
"Oh cool!"
Blake is super cute ;), but I didn't say that out loud. I haven't even met him, so for all I know he could be a jerk. I want to get to know him though.
My teacher must have been reading my mind because after he introduces him to the class, he told Blake to sit next to me on my right. Blake walks down the isle with his head down and sits next to me. He seems kinda shy? I introduce myself.
"Hi, I'm Jordan, as Mr. C already told you"
"Hey, I'm Blake :)"
"Yeah I've seen you on Younow before, you're really funny."
"Aw thanks. I didn't know if anyone would recognize me. I'm kinda big on the app but not much."
"Well at least one person did :)."
With that we just start talking about our summers, because we have no work to do since it's the first day. Blake's was super interesting! He was on tour with Impact Meet and Greet (M&G), and once that ended he got asked to be on MAGCON. That's really good since I love all the guys on MAGCON 😂. I told him about my summer (as before) and he thought that was pretty cool. He wants to go with me next time, of course I said yes, more people to take pictures of :).
The bell rings, Ashley gets up quick because she has to go meet Kenny before Hour 2 starts. I'll see her during lunch anyway. I ask Blake where his next class is, sadly it's opposite direction of mine :(. I show him where to go, look at his schedule and realize we have lunch together!
"Oh cool we have lunch together! You can sit with my friends and I, don't worry they're all really chill."
"Okay thanks, I don't really know anyone else haha."
"Awesome see you then 😉"
I walk to Hour 2. I have this warm feeling in my stomach that I've never had before, I actually like it ☺️.

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