Well He Is Kinda Cute...

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As me and Carleigh were driving home, we listened to the music on my phone and talked about our personal lives. 

Carleigh admined a page on facebook, and my tumblr has 4000 followers, so we talked about that. Then, inevitably, Evan came up.

"Seriously, how did you reject him?!" Said Carleigh in a state of disbelief. I thought to myself for a few moments, how did I reject him? I mean, he was practically perfect. The piercings, the hair, unf!

"I honestly don't know. I guess I don't want some player." I bit my lip and ran my fingers through my long pink hair. Carleigh looked at me for a long time.

"You should give him a chance. First impressions aren't everything y'know."

"Well he is kinda cute..." I trailed off. "I'll try to find him tomorrow."


When I got home, I turned on my music. Can You Feel My Heart? By Bring Me The Horizon came on, one of my favorite songs. I sang along from start to finish. I logged on to Tumblr, and saw that I gained 37 followers. I reblogged some stuff for a while, and then went to the kitchen, with my headphones still blaring.

I grabbed some chips out of the cupboard, and sat on the couch feeling fat. I switched on my phone, and checked my twitter.  Nothing really happened, just a few more followers, and some spam in my DMs. I witched to FaceBook, and checked that page that Carleigh admined. I saw a few posts with her admin tag, and saw the start of a Suicide SIlence spam. I figured I should get off before I cried too hard.

But one thing caught my eye. A little red number 1 next to friend requests. I clicked on it. As i waited for it to load, I grabbed some chips. As I looked back, I saw it was from Evan. 

Carleigh's words in mind, I clicked confirm. This would be fun.


The next day, when Carleigh came to pick me up, I told her about the FaceBook friendship. She might have very well took out my eardrums. That's how loud she screamed.

"Jeeze Carleigh." I said in a not-so-calm voice. I got pissed easily. Lucky for her, I only got mad at her for a few seconds. "Could you scream any louder?" I questioned her. 

"Yes, yes I could. So feel lucky." I shivered at her words. 


Soon after we arrived at school, and we were heading seperate ways. 

"See you at Bio!" I yelled. 

"See ya!" She yelled back. 

As I headed into the school I spotted a familiar head of hair. Here we go. I thought. I headed toward him, and tapped on his back. He turned around, "What!?" He snapped. Then he realized it was me. His face softened into a smirk. 

"Hey babe." He said. I laughed.

"No. I am not your 'babe', I was here to give you a second chance. Now, I'm going to leave."

His face twisted into a weird expression. Almost like it was fear.

"Wait!" He yelled, just as I turned to leave. 

"What?" I asked, I wasn't here to put up with his shit. 

"Well... I wanted... to um, uh, ask you out." He said nervously. I smiled, "I'll think about it." Then, I left.

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