An Introduction to Our Alice

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From Alice's room her mother could hear The Jimi Hendrix Experience as she cooked dinner. Alice wandered into the kitchen. She tucked her black hair behind her ear and let her brown eyes wander the kitchen finally stopping on the frail figure of her mother.
"Mom, you don't need to be doing that," Alice said gently pushing her mother away from the stove top and taking the wooden spoon away from her.
The older woman's hair was thin and falling out in places. She smiled at her daughter.
"Alice. I thought you had a party to go to," Mother said.
Alice smiled. "That's not 'til nine. I've got a few minutes," She said. She stirred the vegetables in the pan.
"When will you be coming home?" Mother asked.
"I don't know. It isn't a school night so it isn't a big deal, right?"
Mother frowned, but nodded her head. "Take you anxiety pill before you leave," She said.
Alice smiled. "I will, I will," She said putting some of the vegetables onto a plate for her mother.
Mother took the plate and got some rice out of the rice cooker. Her hands shook, but she held tight to the plate. Alice couldn't help but notice how pale her mother had become.
Since her illness mother had only grown thinner. It was frightening to watch her mother fade away. After Alice's father left mother became Alice's main worry. She watched her mother struggle for a long time and she watched her grow strong because of her struggles.
Then Alice's mother became sick.
The doctor's said that mother only had a few months to live. Alice's father tried to get custody of Alice, but Alice chose to stay by her mother's side. Those months passed and a year came around. Mother was still alive, but barely a shadow of her former self.
Mother's fortieth birthday had been a big occasion. The doctors were certain she wouldn't make it to forty.
As much as Alice loved her mother, it was still hard to do everything so Alice found a release. She became friends with a group known for their wild parties. She went partying every weekend. Alice's grades suffered, but she didn't mind in the slightest. She was living.
This weekend was no different than any other weekend. Alice was invited to a big party. She was going to go, have fun, and maybe hook up with someone before the night was through. It was like a reoccurring dream.
Alice used her chopsticks to raise some of the vegetables to her lips and eat them, and she ate some of the rice. It was a good meal. She went back to her room and took the record she was playing off the turntable. She put on Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit and listened to the music fill the room. She planned to go to the party after the single was over.
"Feed your head...
Feed your head..."
Alice quickly took her anxiety medication and rushed off to the party, while the last words of White Rabbit still bouncing around in her brain.
"Feed your head..."

(What an odd thing to write a fanfiction about. Alice in Wonderland, but set around figures from classic rock. The story will not be exactly like Lewis Carroll's classic I assure you. It will diverge at one point. The first few chapters will be quite similar, but I have so many plans for this story. So many adventures for our Alice. I do hope she becomes your Alice as well and not just mine. I hope that you enjoy our Alice very much. I hope you enjoy this odd little tale as much as I do. Remember what the dormouse said.)

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