Follow the White Rabbit

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Alice stared at the sugar cube placed in her hand by an older girl.
"I don't know... isn't this kinda dangerous?" Alice asked feeling nervous.
"Just try it. One won't kill ya," A boy shouted from across the room.
"What'll it do?" Alice asked.
"It'll feel good," The older girl said taking her own sugar cube.
Alice swallowed to calm herself down then placed the cube in her mouth. She didn't feel anything at first. She went on with the party. Then it hit her. The colors. The world seemed different and strange. But beautiful.
Alice closed her eyes. If she fell asleep she didn't realise it. She wasn't sure what was going on, but when she opened her eyes five men and a beautiful woman were looking down at her. The world seemed tye-dye. The faces looking down at her cocked slightly.
"Where am I?" Alice asked.
"Don't you mean who am I?" The woman said.
"I know who I am. I'm Alice."
"We know who you are." The woman said shrugging her shoulders and turning around.
Alice stood up. The six people were gone, but the sky was still tye-dye. In the distance Alice saw a man with large white ears.
Like a rabbit.
In a business suit.
With a pocket watch.
A shiny gold pocket watch.
And black glasses.
Familiar black glasses.
Alice was lonely so she walked towards the rabbit man. He glanced towards her. For a minute he smiled at her. Then he looked down at his pocket watch and jumped.
"I'm late!" He exclaimed hopping up.
Alice watched as the man sprinted away. She raced behind him. He dropped down a rabbit hole. She stopped above it and stared down. She thought she heard the sound of a guitar ringing out of the hole. She could smell something odd coming from inside the hole. She dropped one foot then another in and fell.
Alice fell for what felt like hours. Her mind wandered to why the white rabbit seemed so familiar. His odd shakey, hiccupy voice. Where had she seen him before?
Alice's brain kept repeating That'll be the Day when it hit her. The rabbit was Buddy Holly. Guitars were floating all around her, and she recognized the familiar Fender Stratocaster Buddy Holly played. She reached out for it, but barely missed it.
A green wool hat floated by.
A pair of circular glasses.
Some colorful scarves.
An odd fluffy hat.
A leather jacket.
A top hat.
A ring.
A bottle of Jack Daniel's floated by, and Alice took a hold of it thinking that since this little adventure started she'd needed a drink of something. Unfortunately for her some other poor soul had already drank it up while in the same situation as Alice no doubt.
Alice by this point was starting to get very tired. Her eyes flickered shut, and she was soon sound asleep. Her eyes were wrenched open as her rear hit the ground. Grass and sticks got caught on her rather short dress. She stood up to dust herself off. She ran her fingers through her hair to untangle some grass. Her eyes began to wander around the new world she fell into. There wasn't much there so she wandered on wishing to find her way back to the party she seemed to have lost her way from.
She found a rather large door. So large she thought she might not be able to open it, but it was well oiled and swung open easily revealing another, smaller door. Alice tugged on this one as well and it revealed another, smaller door. She tugged again.
Another, smaller door.
Again another, smaller door.
Then another.
And another.
And another.
And another.
And another.
They had at this point become so small that Alice was worried she wouldn't be able to go through, but finally she opened the smallest door yet and it revealed another room. Alice ducked down and crawled through with just enough trouble that she knew if there had been another door she wouldn't have been able to go through. Thankfully it was just large enough not to get anything of her stuck or caught on something.
The room Alice entered was a very comfortable looking room with a couch and a coffee table. The roof must have been somewhere around nine feet high, but Alice felt so nice in this room she wondered if she wanted to even go back to the party at all. Then she remembered that her mother would eventually want her home and she couldn't be sure how long it would take to get back home and she did want to get home eventually.
So Alice turned around to the door she just came from. It had, at some point or another, closed. Alice pulled on it, but it didn't open. So she tried pushing it and it still didn't open. She sat down and let out a loud huff. She turned around and saw a bead curtain that she was certain hadn't been there before.
Alice walked to the bead curtain and pulled it out of the way. There was a very tiny door behind it. She tried turning the doorknob, but it didn't budge. Alice looked around and saw a little key on the coffee table.
A little key for a little door how absolutely marvelous.
Alice took the key and opened the little door. She tried pushing her head through and saw the most marvelous garden, but she just wouldn't fit.
How infuriating, she thought. What was the point of the door? No one could get through it surely.
Alice, being the well mannered child her mother raised her to be, closed and locked the door. She took the little key and put it back on the glass coffee table then took a seat on the couch and let out a loud sigh. Why couldn't she be smaller?
Alice closed her eyes just for a second and when she opened them there was a little bottle of wine with a pleasant little note saying Drink Me. Alice, who by this point need something to drink, took a drink.
Alice smiled at the pleasant taste of the wine and set it back down. She felt sort of bad for drinking the wine because surely it was someone's, and she just drank it without asking. It had said Drink Me on it however so she couldn't be blamed, could she?
Alice stood up to pace the room and her feet just barely touched the ground as she hopped off. Then she realised she was shrinking. And by this time it was too late to grabbed the key from the coffee table because she was much to small.
Alice looked up at the key. She started tearing up.
"No, Alice, we can't have you crying like a child," Alice said. She placed her hands on her laps and let out a sigh. "Maybe there will be something to make me grow or maybe I will find something to make me shrink more then I could slip under the door."
Then Alice looked over and saw a cute little glass box with a cute little cake. Written on the little cake was Eat Me. So Alice didn't argue with the little cake and took a bite, but found that she was very hungry. So she quickly ate a good half of the cake until she started to feel sick.
And the cake looked quite small. And the coffee table looked quite small. And the couch looked quite small. And Alice felt quite big.

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