Alice Grows Again, To the Dismay of Bill

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The White Rabbit was running around searching. "My fan and my gloves! What could I have done with them?!" He was shouting.
Alice turned to David to explain to him that she was surprised at the amazing changes the rabbit went through, but David was gone now. Since Alice was the reason he lost them in the first place she started looking for the White Rabbit's gloves and fan. The rabbit saw her.
"Yoko! Go to fetch my gloves!" The rabbit exclaimed waving his arms about excitedly.
Alice's brow furrowed. She opened her mouth the correct him. She wasn't Yoko Ono in the least. She wasn't even Japanese. She was Korean. It was very offensive that he got her mixed up like that, but the rabbit was already gone.
"Goddamn... I suppose I aught to get him his gloves and fan. Then when I see him again I'll give him a piece of my mind," Alice said running off.
Alice halfwondered where David had gone, but it didn't bother her too much since it was only half a thought. She reached a house with W. Rabbit inscribed on the door. She slipped in without knocking and went upstairs to find the rabbit's fan and gloves being as quiet as possible as to avoid meeting the real Yoko Ono inside of the house.
On a table she saw the gloves, and the fan was right next to them. She picked them up then she saw a small bottle of pills. Her curiosity got the better of her. She sat the gloves and fan down and opened the bottle.
Alice stared at the white pill in her hand. She smiled and took it. The effects were immediate. She began to grow and grow and grow until she had to stick one hand out the window and one foot up the chimney to fit in the room at all. The worst part of it all was now she was much too big for her clothing. She ripped her lovely blue dress and was now completely naked. Before her clothing had grown with her, but it seemed that they hadn't this time.
"Oh dear," Alice said regretting her decision very deeply. She was feeling cold and wished she had something to cover herself.
She couldn't see anything very well so she tried shifting until she could see out of the window. Just as she did this she saw the White Rabbit running up his lawn. After a few seconds she felt the door budging behind her back.
"Yoko? Are you in there? Can you open the door? I need my fan and gloves, and I'm certain they're in there!"
Alice started cussing quietly under her breath as she reached, to no avail, for the gloves then simply the fan. Her finger brushed the fan, and it fell on the ground, putting it further out of her reach.
Alice's eyes started to tear up.
"Oh good lord! What is that?! Pat! Pat!"
Alice looked out the window again. The White Rabbit was hopping up and down in a frenzy. A guinea pig ran up with Pat Benetar's face.
"Pat! What in the world is in the window?"
"It's an arm, your honor," Pat replied.
"Have you ever seen an arm so big?!" The rabbit exclaimed.
"Well, no, but it is an arm," Pat replied.
There was some noise as the two animals argued about what they should do. Finally the two shouted for a fellow named Bill. It turned out to be a lizard with the face of Bill Graham. Alice was finding it all quite hilarious but still terrible. She at the point just wanted to be free.
"Come on Bill, go down the chimney!" The white rabbit shouted.
Alice's eyes widened as she realised that he would come into the room while she was completely naked. She felt the lizards little claws scratched her toe.
"There's something blocking the chimney," Bill shouted. "Gimme a minute. I'll get past it."
"Oh no you won't," Alice said kicking her foot.
She heard a squeal and then a loud thud.
"My sweet lord! Bill, are you alright? Get him some brandy, quickly now!" The white rabbit shouted. "Get me some rocks as well. I'm going to kill that beast, whatever it is."
"Shit," Alice cried.
A rock hit her right on the forehead and she leaned her head down to protect her eyes. She looked down and saw that the rocks were turning to cakes. Alice ate one figuring if she grew large she'd break the house and if she shrunk she'd run away.
Alice saw her feet coming closer and closer until she was the same height as before. She looked down and saw that she was still quite naked. She looked in the closet and saw only an odd looking white suit that looked like it would be too big. She slipped into it and found that it fit perfectly though it was definitely not her style.
Alice started running out of the house leaving the gloves and fan behind. As she passed she saw Pat holding up Bill and forcing him to drink a glass of brandy. The white rabbit saw her and waved. "Yoko! Are you alright? That beast didn't hurt you did it?" He shouted after her.
Alice didn't pay any attention as she ran off. She ran and ran until she saw a large dog in her path. She slowed down as she got closer.
Alice hardly could contain her laughter as she realised that the dog had Elvis Presley's face. Elvis as a hound dog, she thought giggling.
Alice knew that she couldn't get passed the dog if she didn't distract it. She thought hard about what to do to distract the hound humming hound dog as she did.
Then Alice saw a large limb. She picked it up and threw it as far as she could for the hound. The dog ran off after it barking in joy.
Alice ran down the path again until she came to a large mushroom. She thought she saw smoke coming off of the top of it so she got closer. She peek just over the top of it and saw a caterpillar sitting smoking a hookah. Alice stared into its eyes for awhile, and his to hers. Silence the only thing between them.
"Who are you?"

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