CH.6 And you are?

294 19 8

(Demi POV)

"Hello, is this Demi Lovato speaking?"

"Yes, this is her."

"I'm so sorry to inform you but your friend Harry Styles has has been in a car accident..."

"What?" my body quickly filled with fear. No, not Harry its all my fault.

"I'm so sorry."

I hanged up, graved my car keys and headed to the hospital.

Once I arrive I went directly to the nurses station.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for my friend Harry Styles."

"Oh, yes he's in room 233," the nurse as she pointed down the hallway.

"Thank you," I quickly ran to find Harry's room. All that went through my mind was guilt. This is all my fault.

I finally arrived at Harry's hospital room. He a band-aid wrapped around his head and a couple scratches on his face and his arms. The tears started to come more and more the longer I started at him.

"Excuse me are you Demi Lovato?"

"Yeah," I wiped away my tears.

"I'm the doctor attending Harry, he's condition is not so well. He got hit pretty hard, he might have some brain damage but we're not so sure at them moment we're still looking over the x-rays. You may go in if you want."

I nodded and headed into Harrys room. I sat by his bed side like he did when I was in the hospital not to long ago. I couldn't help but blame myself even more.

He lay perfectly still not making a single noise but his breathing.

"I'm so sorry Harry," I whispered. "This is all my fault, please don't leave me."

Suddenly Harry hand started to move a little.


He slightly started to open his eyes. It was great seeing those green eyes of his again.

"You're awake, thank god I thought I lost you."

"Um, excuse me do I know you?"

I could read the confusion all over his face.

"Harry its me Demi, don't you remember?"

"I'm sorry but no, everything is a blur."

I called the doctor to get some answer, he quickly arrived.

"Oh good Harry you're awake," he smiled.

"He doesn't remember me, why?"

"Well after going over his x-rays it occurs that he might have a slight memory lost."

"Is it permanent?"

"It could be possible, I'm sorry."

Could it be that I just lost the most important person in my life?

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