CH.19 Positive

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(Harry POV) 

Okay, what was I thinking? Why on earth did I kiss Selena? I guess I was just in the moment or! That wasn't it. I can't let that happen again, yeah she might be the mother of my child but that doesn't give me any right since I have strong feelings for Demi. 

A couple weeks went by since I spoken to either Demi or Selena, I needed some space to think, to clear stuff up. All I could ever think about as those weeks went by is Demi and how badly I wanted to be with her, to officialy call her mine but seeing her with Niall change my perspective of everything. Could Demi be done with me? Ugh, I couldn't take it anymore I needed to talk to her. 

I graved my keys from the counter and headed to the door to Demi's house. 

(Demi POV) 

I sat on the bathroom floor as I awaited the results, I should've saw this coming. I have been missing my periods and it was unlike me to miss them. I looked over the pregnancy test and there it said it, positive. 

I'm pregnant. 

But who was the father? 

Niall or Harry? I don't know...I slept with them around the same time. Fuck! I felt like such a slut and it was unlike me to have sex with two guys around the same time but it happened and I can't change the past. Now how in the world was I going to break this to Niall and Harry, either one could be the father of my unborn baby. 

 (A/N: sorry for the short CH but I hope you guys enjoy reading it. One vote for the next one. :})

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