CH.15 Don't Care Anymore

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(Harry POV)

I arrived at my apartment complex, I was going to get ready for my first date with Demi. I didn't told her where we were going it was a surprise.

I reached for my keys in my right front pocket before I could continue on my way I saw a trail of blood once I looked up I saw Selena laying on the floor.

"Oh my gosh!" I ran towards to where her body lay. "Selena, Selena wake up," I shuck her gently hoping to get a response but got nothing, surprisingly she was still breathing but first thing that crossed my mind if the baby was okay. I quickly dialed 911 hoping for the ambulance to raise down here, she was losing a lot of blood from her head, since I'm guessing she hit her head when she fell.

After five minutes the ambulance arrived, they put Selena on the stretcher.

"Are you the girls boyfriend?"

"Um no, not really but she's caring my baby and I'm worried for the baby safety."

"Do you want to rid with her in the ambulance?"

"Yeah," all I could think of at that moment was the baby and of course Selena, even if I didn't like that Selena was the mother of my child and its my job to make sure they're safe.

(Demi POV)

I wasn't really sure what to wear for my first date with Harry since he wouldn't tell where we were going so I just threw on a plain white t-shirt, skinny jeans, and a pair of black converse. I decided to let my hair down instead of tying it up into a pony tail.

Harry said he was going to pick me up at 7, look at my watch and it was already 7:10. Maybe he was running a little late, he probably got stuck in traffic, probably. I sat on the couch by the door, 10 more minutes passed and no Harry, what was going on? One hour finally passed and Harry didn't show, I knew it! I knew it was to good to be true. Asshole.  

Tears started to fill in my eyes, I quickly wiped them away and my gaze went directly towards the kitchen. I ran to the kitchen graving the gallon of ice cream and chocolate chip cookies, I went over to the kitchen table and just began shoving the cookies into my mouth I did the same with the ice cream before I knew it the gallon of ice cream was empty and there were no more cookies left. Guilt ran through my body, what have I just done? Was all I could think of. I ran directly to the restroom and began throwing up the food that once lay in my stomach was now inside the toilet. I felt a huge relief once it was all out, all that went through my mind at that moment was another round? I think yes. I didn't care how much this was destroying me from the inside out, I just no longer cared. And the good thing was Harry wasn't here to stop me.

(A/N: sorry for the short CH but here you go, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. ONE VOTE for the next CH)

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