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Steph's POV
"Can I open them?" I ask. "Yup" he says. I open my eyes, but my vision is blurry from closing them to tightly. "Oh my gosh you actually found it." I say to Blake. Right before my eyes was a tunnel covered in graffiti paint right on the beech. "Took me a while, but I finally found it but I never went inside because I wanted to explore it with you." Blake says smiling at me. "I can't believe you were actually paying attention to what I was saying. You looked so busy on social media I thought I was talking to mid air." I say. Yesterday when Blake and I were taking the bus home I kept nagging on about this secret beech with a graffiti tunnel. I didn't think he was listening to me because he was snap chatting or something. "Even though it didn't look like I was paying attention, I was because someone important to me was talking." He says, but he's looking down at the rocks and not at me. He kind of muttered the last part as well. "Anyways, shall we explore?" He asks trying to change the subject. "Let's go!" I say turning the flashlight on my phone.
"I still don't understand what's so interesting about this. It's just a wall." Blake says as he scratches his head. "Common Blake, it's more than just a wall." I agree at him. It really isn't just a wall, it has graffiti art all over it,but it's more than just the big bubble letters. It's hard to explain what's in front of me, but it's like modern day Picasso. "Whatever you say" he says "let's keep exploring." I nod my head and we keep walking forward.
"Hey look" I say as we approach a dim lit opening of the tunnel. In the opening there was a dim lightbulb hanging from the ceiling with pink flowers surrounding the perimeter of the opening. It was also the end of the tunnel. "Wow" he says as his mouth drops. "Wanna sit over there" he says pointing to a rock I haven't noticed yet. "Sure" I say as we make our way to the rock. "You know, this would be a great place to shoot some cheesy romantic teen movie" I say. "Well that came out of no where" Blake says chuckling. "What? I love those types of movies and I know what locations are good to shoot those lovey dovey scenes." I say while giggling. "What type of scene would be shot here?" He asks curiously. "I don't know, maybe a scene where one lover comes to escape their problems and finds the other one in the exact spot doing the exact same thing as their doing. Then the lovers decide to meet there everyday after school and the they share their first kiss there and then so on. You get the point." I say going into my own world. "Wow, you should produce this movie." He says sarcastically. "I should." I say nudging him. "There'd be a big primer and everything and the movie would star Luke Hemmings and Hailey Steinfeld because they'd look so cute together as leads." I say making over the top hand gestures. "Would I be your date to the primer?" Blake asks. I'm not sure if he was being sarcastic or not. In fact, I'm not sure at all. Is he trying to see if I like him? Would he be my date? Would I want him to be my date? "Wow, I guess I'm that gross." He says with a sad smile and a depressed giggle. I could tell he was disciplined with my answer. "We could date" I blurt out. Shit shit shit. What have I done. "Huh?" He asks. He's just as confused as I am. "Um I mean you would be my date." I say. I can't see myself, but I know my face is as red as a tomato. "We should get back now." Blake says walking out of the opening. "Yeah." I say as I follow behind.
"That was fun." He says scratching his head. "Yeah." I say. "We should do it again sometime." He says. "Totally." I say. We just stare at each other in silence. It's starts off normal but now it's just awkward. "Uh bye." I manage to say. "Bye" he says extending his hand out for a high five. I give him one and walk across the street. "Dammit Blake." I hear and I turn around. Blake is just standing having a silent temper tantrum. "Huh?" I yell out so he could hear me. "Uhhh nothing. Hehe" he says while his face lights up red like mine was earlier. "Ok bye." I say and I walk into my house.
"So what went down with him." I hear Trent say as I take off my runners. "What? Nothing." I say keeping my head down making my way to the kitchen. Trent being the annoying older brother follows me and begins speaking to me. "Nothing eh?" He says mocking me. "Nothing." I say assertively. "Then what's something to you? You clearly went on a date with that kid." He says sitting on the kitchen island. "Oh shut up." I say grabbing 2 apples from the fridge and tossing him one. "It wasn't a date." I say. "I bet you wish it was." He says air grinning. "Ew I would never. Besides, he has a ton of girls crawling over him anyways." I say taking a bite. "So they're gonna stop you from getting the man of your dreams?" He asks in a mocking fashion. "I don't even like him like that. We were just two friends hanging out together. Nothing more this that." I say making my way to my room. "Whatever you say lovebird." He says.
I get to my room and check my texts before starting homework.
Unknown number #1- hey guys wanna hang at the Westwood park 2morrow?b
Unknown number #2- k what time
Unknown number #1- how bout 2
Unknown number #2- k
I have no clue why I'm in this group chat. Most likely a wrong number.
Me- um who r u
Unknown number #1- oh sorry Steph I'm Gavin from the boys team. We talked @ the game today
Unknown number #2- I'm Patrick and I was the other one too
I quickly give them contact names.
Me- ohhhhh. Why am I the only girl being asked to hang?
Gavin- we made a chat w/ u earlier with those girls Sam and Liz and u were in it too. None of them were free so I made a chat w/ u and Pat since non of u responded in the first one
Me- k. Btw I think I'm free.
Patrick- cool can't wait
Gavin- see u then

Im really excited to get to know these guys tomorrow. They're both somewhat hot so it will be fun. They will also keep my mind off of Blake.....and that's what I want, right?

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