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It was evening in Magnolia.
The sunset was radiant.

"HIM??!" Lucy choked, spitting out her drink.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather stay with Lucy or I?" Erza chimed in.

"Yea I'll be fine." You said nonchalantly.

"Plus we've got that job early in the morning. I can make sure Natsu & Happy wake up on time!" You said, giving them your signature smile/smirk/pout. ( Whatever you do :3 )

"I suppose.." Erza said to herself.

"If you need us just call!" Lucy assured with a smile.

You opened your mouth to give a response before you saw Erza point behind you.

You calmly squatted down onto the balls of your feet as Erza pulled Lucy down with her.

"AAAH-!" Gray yelped, flying overhead before crashing into a wall.

You all sweatdropped and sighed in sync.

-- t i m e s k i p --

You, Natsu, and Happy walked into the small shack. The sun now barely in the sky.

"You can crash on the couch!" Natsu said, plopping his backpack on said couch.

You sweatdropped, taking a look around the shack. Taking in the details- more like taking note of where the big piles of junk were so you wouldn't trip on them.

You walked over to Natsu's bed and sat on it just before you heard the shower turn on.

"Hey _____?" Happy flew next to you.

"Yeah Happy, what's up?" You said with a smile as you fell back into the bed, letting out a sigh of relaxation.

"Why'd you choose to stay with us and not Erza or Lucy?" Happy questioned, nibbling on a fish.

"Cause." You said contently, closing your eyes.

"Cause?" Happy repeated, discontented.

"Cause," you turned your head away from Happy. "I wanted to stay with you guys." You answered, instinctively trying to hide your face from the cat.

Happy began to snicker.

"Huh?" You mumbled, turning to face him.

"You looOOOoooOOove him~" He teased.

"I DO NOT CAT!!" You raged, quickly sitting up to throw a sandal at the flying Happy.

However, Happy dodged it, causing it to 'fwap' Natsu in the face.

"Oops." You said nonchalantly, knowing that it didn't hurt him, but he probably wasn't going to let that slide.

However, a red blush colored your cheeks as you stared at the shirtless Natsu- other than his scarf of course.

"She's in LOOooOOOooove~" Happy whispered at some kinda non-existing camera.

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