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It was night time in Magnolia City.

A (h/c) haired girl wearing (y/c) sat hunched over her desk, working on something.

"Hey (y/n), got anything better than ramen to eat?" Natsu yelled from the kitchen of her apartment.

She didn't reply, however, her neighbor did.

"NATSU KEEP IT DOWN!! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP YA KNOW." a muffled Lucy yelled, banging on the wall connecting her bedroom and (y/n)'s kitchen. 

"SORREH LUCY!! WE'LL BE QUIETER!!" Natsu replied, banging on the wall.


Lucy's facepalm was audible through the wall,.

Natsu shrugged while returning to the living room/bedroom with pride and a plate of wing-dings.

Happy, with a red paw-mark visible on his face, was watching the microwave as his fish sticks heated up.

"Whatcha working on?" Natsu said through a mouthful, resting his head on top of (y/n)'s.

She didn't answer, still focused on the pile of metals in front of her.

"You makin a gift for Gajeel?" Natsu said, unamused, as he popped more food into his mouth. "Come onnn. Tell mee alreadyyy." He pestered on. 

(y/n) threw her head back, looking up at Natsu's face, cheeks full of wing-dings.

"You need to shut up." She said with a smile, withholding a snarky remark after seeing Natsu's stuffed cheeks.

She flung her head back, focusing on the work in front of her, however, hitting Natsu's chin the process.

"-YOWCH!" He spattered through his diner.

"You s'pit it you clean it." (y/n) mocked in a prideful, thug-ish tone.


It was the middle of the night.


"Huh?" Natsu woke at the sound of a thud.

As his eyes opened, he saw the silhouette of (y/n), rubbing her forehead.

"(y/n) get some sleep.." He mumbled.

"I'm almost done!" She whispered back in frustration.

With a groan, Natsu got up and walked over to the desk. "What's so important you gotta be workin all night o-"

"This." (y/n) held a silver chain necklace, with a small dragon tooth at the end of it. Her eyes gleamed with pride as she held it up in the dim light.

"What's this?" Natsu asked in surprise, he held it in his hands as she began explaining.

"It's the dragon tooth you keep in you vest pocket- I found it when you left your dirty clothes on my couch- I figured you wanted to keep it close, but it's pretty easy to lose. So I found a spell that lets it hang on this magic-infused chain I made so I wouldn't have to drill a hole or wrap it in-"

"It's prefect." He interrupted, looking down at the magic necklace, now around his neck.

(y/n) gave him a cheeky grin, right before she yawned. "Great, glad ya like it now, I gotta get some rest.." She mumbled before falling towards the ground, trying to stop herself by holding onto her chair, which obviously wasn't working.

"H-hey!" Natsu whispered loudly as he caught her by the waist.

She hung backwards with her arms dangling towards the ground, "I'm almost done I swear..." she mumbled before dosing off.

Natsu chuckled and picked her up. Her arms now wrapped around his neck.

"Do you really like it? I worked real hard on it..." She mumbled in her sleep. 

"Yeah.." Natsu answered with a chuckle as he carried her to the door.

"N-Natsu...?" Happy mumbled, still half asleep. "Where are you taking (y/n)?"

Natsu gave Happy a small grin as he whispered, "To visit Igneel!" 

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