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Dedicated to: Every marvelous soul who started this novella:)

The lingering light was destroyed by the rapidly falling night. The once salmon and purple sky turned into a vast expanse of jet-black that engulfed the city. A canopy of luminous stars mixed with the ocean of blackness. The moonlight poured from the sky like milk that needed no sustenance and instead was satisfied with only the beauty of soft rays. It splashed down its watery white-silver glow onto the city bathing them, illuminating them. It was the full moon, from what I remember. The night grew dark, leaving no trace for me to follow in the dangerous woodland. It was ominously quiet, except the small sounds of rustling bushes and twigs festooned on the lower canopy and howling wind that pierced through the dense atmosphere with smell of decomposed leaves piled in cat urine on the loam ground.

My heart pounded vigorously against the rib-cage, just as I was walking my way to home from the darkness of the woodland, and it was then that my ears detected a growl. A low, gruff, ravenous growl. Curiosity got the best of me and my conscience tempted me to follow its source of coming. The moonlight shone in the path of forest which showed faint footsteps on it. I followed it until there was no more of it instead, of what looked like a shadowy figure standing a few steps ahead of me. I was scared to death and as it turned around, I let out a gasp. It was a wolf.

I could see its fierce bloody eyes staring back at me, its carnivore yellowish fangs with saliva dribbling in slippery ropes from its drooling mouth, a small thunderous growl leaving its mouth making me stagger back with wobbly steps. As if sensing my intentions, it advanced towards me with sharp claws scratching the ground, adding to my fear. I felt my life betraying me as my back hit the trees and thanks to the darkness that I couldn't see the rocks which made me topple over the ground. That's it, I bemoaned, its gonna kill me.

I squinted close my eyes tightly, to be killed brutally but not a finger contacted my skin. Upon hearing an agonizing cry made me open my eyes as I took in what happened in the blink of an eye. There stood a young man from what I could see while the wolf lay there lifeless, streaming with blood.

Who is he? Why didn't I see him before? When did he come here? What did he do? How could he just kill it? And most importantly why would he do that? Why would he save me at cost of his own life at stake?

Thousands of other questions and emotions were swirling in my muddled mind urging me to speak but I couldn't dare to open my mouth. I just couldn't. He started to walk away and dressed in black he was, so before it became difficult for me to reach out in such darkness, I edged out.

"Are you for real..?"

Blankets of silence enveloped in the air, for some odd reason I ran after him and our arms meshed against each other, in the process. Chilled sensation gloated my skin as a coat of tingling erupted, washing my skin over. He turned around and the only feature that I could make out in such darkness was his outshining rich hazel eyes specked with champagne color which drew back, sparkling under the soft rays of the full moonlight. Our eyes locked like magnetic electrons and my hand shivered as it coiled around a blue pimpernel flower offered by him. But within few moments, he was deemed away into the darkness and so was everything, as I blinked back and trailed further in that direction.

Bang ! Bang!

I woke up in a jolt, panting as beads of sweat streamed from my forehead. I took the bottle from my night stand and took a sip of water. It was a dream. I took hold of the watch which stated it was 3 a.m. Like every other nights, it wasn't a nightmare. I looked out the window and could see the full moon. Since the last 11 years I'm having nightmares every night except the full moon night. And now when I look at my hand I find that same blue flower from my dream like always and as always I find myself thinking about the mystery man. My savior. His eyes that haunts me. That makes me fall for him over and over again. That makes this night the most awaited one in every month.

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