12.The Confrontation and Scorpion blade.

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The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live~ Norman Cousins.

Farishta's P.O.V---

"Farishta Nazar..you and I, we need to talk!"

It's now or never, Zaid Yemen.

"Gladly! Most welcome." I said calmly, in the most composed and collected tone I could muster, "It's not the issue concerned with Arches, isn't it?"

"You're acutely cunning partially from the women your age, now aren't you, Miss Nazar?" He darkly scoffed with an emotionless cold look, slamming his clipped words, "I'm glad you helped yourself by cutting to the chase and saved me the time for all meaningless courtesy"

"Sorry what?" I gritted through my teeth, as I gobbled down the bile upsurging in me. 

Get a grip Farishta, everything's gonna be under control!

"Too bad, you heard me right there." He sneered in a deadly tone and I curled my fingers into a fist with my nails digging into the palm.

Okay, enough of this beyond-the-pale attitude!

"What is it? What the do you want from me?!" I bombarded, totally ticked off with rage at the sinister man situated before me. But this time, I regretted.

"There, we have it. The question I have been hankering to hear-what I want." He snorted with a snigger, as if scorning at my audacity, then a vile demeanor sketched on his face as he spat brutally, "YOU. I want you and your destruction! I want to ruin you!"

And that in a swift, my breathing all at once stopped and I could feel sweat drench my skin. 

"Wh-What do you mean?" I stuttered, as tightness expanded from my guts, gripping my throat.

"Ah, Tsk tsk! You're expert in pretending all innocent and naive, aren't you? Quit playing dumb" He snarled, mimicking a mocking tone laced with amusement as he clenched his rigid jaw and glowered dangerously into my ears, "Snap out of it and save fucking the drama episodes!"

"If there's anyone interested in drama then it's you not me. I don't understand what you're trying to imply with those threat messages and unknown numbers. Know one thing, clean and clear, I don't fear you." I gulped as he raked his hand through his hair in frustration, my breathing becoming labored.

Oh no! Hell's about to break loose!

Dread engulfed me as he pinned me on the wall, leaning on intimidatingly with his fists rammed on my both sides, caging me in. His nostrils flared and hatred smoldered in his bloody popped out eyes as spitting with fury, he said in a calm voice full of venom, "Care to repeat?!"

I remained hushed and tight-lipped, without any response as I squirmed, struggling to break free from his stony clasped hands. And it didn't quite sit well with him because he grabbed my shoulders and roughly waggled them, in the torrent of rage.

"So you don't fear me, huh sweetheart?" His bronze eyes darkened, as he wiped his mouth in agitation and repeated the words, with a bitter snigger before slamming a punch on the wall and bellowing out, "YOU DON'T FEAR ME, HUH?! DO YOU FUCKING KNOW WHO I AM?!"

I whimpered in dread, while his vice like grip intensified, making me wince in pain. My body trembled violently at the dangerous animal ahead of me, who was red like fire. The ringing screams vibrating within me corresponded with the thumping of my heart against my chest. Foreign fear tortured my guts, churning my stomach in tense cramps. 

Oh God! Oh God! Save me from this monster!

"YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME? YOU THINK YOU CAN FUCKING CHALLENGE THE UNDERGROUND MAFIA LORD?!" He yelled, twisted my arm while seizing my chin, and tears ran out of my sweaty eyes.

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