8.Sneak-out, Desert-safari and Bonfire.

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The greatest pleasure in life is doing what others say you cannot do~ Walter Bagehot

Farishta's P.O.V--

The villa stood on the ground like an ancient palace and according to the history it was what belonged to our forefathers; It's legend Tuscan inspired architecture was still like no other in the country, as if it's intricate mahogany designs with sculptures were made not to have any duplicate; The breeding stars on the sky were like dirty tungsten bulbs that wrapped around the moon like heavy coat of chain mail. The cold air kissed the badminton net, making it swing in the lawn-yard with a sense of security.

"Ahem ahem. Sorry to burst your bubble, but can we make a move, my fiancee has been waiting" I did a double take to study my clogged nerves as I side-glanced at the impatient Muskan, provoked at me for being a blockage on her way to descend from the bus.

"Major PDA alert! Pardon my french here, but look who gets to be sappy, cheesy lovesick and real damsel-in-distress at times" Rolling eyes with my tone colored with sarcasm, I stepped down the bus and blinked upward to be reanimated with the brotherly figure of Aaron bhai, who walked towards us with unmatched air of charms attached with him.

"Well, that she indeed can, with much certainty. A staunch one for that" Friendly raw voice of Aaron bhai completed, amusement buttering the edges of his tone.

"Even if it's that way, you should consider yourself privileged to be the guy, on whom a hot-to-trot as I, am head over heels with" Muskan snorted, equivalent cocky playfulness scarfing her remark.

"I do, irrevocably, if not for my previous statement, which was sadly a blow to your mount sized ego" He joked, but going by the scary look she executed, had him jumping on her side of the fence as he added a good handsome sum of flattery words, "But no biggie to worry of, it's ingrained by your heart full of beryllium, gold and titanium because you're be-au-ti-full"

"Smooth shot!" I grinned, "And lovebirds, you may as well continue the next episode but before that letme enlighten you as reminder that it's high time we put the sneak-out plan from up our sleeves into action and activate our mission impossible" I gave in, and Aaron bhai nodded solemnly but with a corny wink tossed her way as I dragged Muskan to our respective destination.

"Hasten up and get ready in five. I don't want us to pit ourselves in reality check where elders would have us tongue-tied with lectures shoved down our throat for sneaking out" I hissed to the girls, so much so upon entering the room, with my tone dropping a note of excitement to peachy level.

However, the fruitless reaction was not what I had expected, with them dumbstruck and paralyzed like Anna in Frozen; I spun around ever so slowly, fearing if it were Elsa but with Hanifa bhabi rooted there, had naked panic tattoo upon my face. Now what more drama gets any better than that?

"Bosh! No sneaking out, I would take a meteor shower before allowing you guys to be up for any odds and ends sorta monkey business around this time!"

With the deer in headlight looks, Farah pinched me while I beckoned Rashida to come up with a nicely waxed up request, but she in exchange stepped on Zasha's feet and alas the cycle of tugging, poking and gesturing went on like pass-the-parcel game with qualm of tension that stole through us until...

"Bhabi dearest, we highly treasure your taut concern for us but trust me on this, we won't screw up; Holidays are meant to chin up and goof rather than sleep and sulk around, so please kindly cover it up for us in this hour of need" Fatima spilled out the beans, inviting bhabi to raise her previously frown pleated eyebrow at probably the height of pyramid cornerstone at her statement.

"Fine fine. If that's what helps you sleep at night but remind you, keep up your actions as per to the given vouch or you would reap what you are to sow" Bhabi gave in, as we squealed to our heart's content with a pirate smile stained on, as elusive happiness crippled our bone and soaked it with warm delight.

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