6.Prolonged thirst of the darkened soul.

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Third person's P.O.V of Zaid---

Zaid thumped harder on the battered, torn punching-bag as spurning rage and energy flooded within him; veins on the neck and taut muscles bulging out and his stiffen knuckles flushed from the effect. Sweats dribbled down his chocolate brown auburn locks and voyaged down his toned abs; Chicano engraved dark swan tattoo extended from neck to shoulder itched with the rough sore motion and eyes smarted as he poured out his lurking concealed emotions, unraveling the malicious beast in him.

The memories of the dark venom past flashed across his eyes like a tape; reminding him of his youthful days back, before the effing cruel fate screwed his simple life and imprisoned it with darkness; brewing him into this beast he is today. Back to those days when Zeren's breathtaking megawatt smile used to engulf his senses, her dulcet laughter used to echo through his ears and her soul of shinning merriment used to reside on his thoughts.

Darkness loomed the once harbored radiance of his spirit ever-since fate seized Zeren away from his life and cold bloodthirsty mafioso ruled his world.

The Eagle Ranger, as they call.

The sleek burnished door burst open, revealing the trustworthy second-in command man Glanwell. The bulky man bowed in reverence, however gauging at his mortal expression it could be predicted of an upcoming unpleasant news. With a whisk of his master's hand and an assertive voice of allowing in, had him walk inside.

"Boss! Prying into the matter, our sources apprises us that her name's Farishta Nazar whereby she's no-more than a friend to Arches. Though, all the details on her background is in the files if anyhow needed" Glanwell said, head hung low all along.

"Good! Any other prominent say to be noted, is there?" Zaid asked the butler, his smokey tone rugged and raspy from the workout.

"I'm afraid so, cause apparently, our cocaine dealers are taken up to prison and she's the only witness"

Glanwell informed, inducing the mafia boss to arch his knitted jet black eyebrows, a deep frown encrusted on his features. Anger surged through his blood and coursed into his veins; While wrathful smoke kept furling out his nostrils. He ruffled back his auburn hair locks, running a hand through it, gripping the slender tendrils out of sheer frustration as nerves tingled, fueling the searing rage; thin hairs on the back neck became perpendicular. His dry throat burned in fury, Adam's apple lumping out as if nothing else could avenge this prolonged thirst.

"Forgive me boss to intrude with due respect. I'm well aware it was plain stupidity of her all the way for being the only one in decades to dare and act against The Eagle Ranger, but I don't think you would kill her after knowing this"

"And why the hell may that be?!" Zaid growled in response, failing miserably to keep a calmer charade. Flared up and demented all the more, he pounded with his fist on the sleek posh coffee table. As a result, small splintered pieces of glass splattered on the walls and scrambled around, whilst scarlet blood oozed out like mellow crimson wine.

"Because Zeren was her lost sister."


Positioned on the lounge of the VIP night pub of beverages, Zaid helped himself with two strong shots of martinis as the liquor swigged its way down through his parched throat. With legs crossed, personal knife tugged in the boot core, two bodyguards behind; their shotguns fitted in their holsters and his one earlobe pierced with a diamond-studded stone had basked in all the attention and throwing an omen of intimidation and power.

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