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"Just leave Sebastian." I said.

Sebastian still stood there waiting for an answer that I wasn't going to give to him.

"No!" He raised his voice,  "Tell me now!"

"Get out!" I said raising my voice even louder than his.

"No, because you are obviously trying to tell me something so just say it." He said.

There was another knock at the door.

"Come in." I said ignoring Sebastian.

Once I saw who was at the door my heart sunk. Our eyes meet each other's his eyes filled with sin and mine filed defeat and sorrow.

He gave Sebastian a hug and a kiss on the cheek before Sebastian exited the room.

"How are you holding up?" Maurice asked triumphantly.

I sat quietly waiting on him to leave but he didn't.

"Never mind I already know." He chuckled, "My dick do damage, don't it?

"Leave." I finally said.

I flinched when he came closer to me.
"Whatever you say," He kissed my forehead,  "Papí."

Tears rolled down my cheek and there was nothing I could do.

"Remember our little secret." He whispered before leaving "Let's keep it that way."

He left the room and warm tears streamed from my eyes uncontrollably. I closed my as the events repeated in my head.

"What happened?" Sebastian asked, "Why are you crying?"

I remained silent.

"Adrian!" He called, "Answer me now!"

"Maurice," I started,  "He came over to talk we got in a fight..."

"And what happend after that? " Sebastian asked.

"He threw me onto the floor and took off my clothes-..." Sebastian interrupted, "I can't with your lying ass."

"What?" I questioned.

"He came to check on you  in the hospital and you're still lying on him." He said.

"I am not lying." I replied, "Do you think I'd lie about something like that?"

"You lie about everything else it seems." He said bitterly.

"What have I lied about?" I asked.

"When you lied about seeing Maurice behind my back." Sebastian said coldly.

"I wasn't lying and you know that." I said.

"You are lying right now!" He exclaimed.

"It's sad you can't figure out when someone is telling you the truth." I said.

"Not when that person is a liar." He responded.

"You sure believe him don't you?" I replied.

"Because he isn't a liar like some are." Sebastian said.

"Why are you still here?" I asked annoyed.

"Because I wanted you to tell me how this happened." He said.

"I already told you." I said.

"I'll leave since you insist on lying." He said.

"Good!" I said in spite.

"¡Hijo de puta!" Sebastian said under his breath.

Sebastian slammed the door shut and walked out angrily.

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