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"Man, what the fuck!" Maurice yelled.

I tried to stop the arrest, but the guard held me back. He restrained me as the woman walked away with Maurice.

I can't believe Adrian's lying ass pressed charges. What kind of person goes that far too ruin someone's life?

I walked into his room and confronted him. I walked in and punched him dead in the shoulder.

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

"What did I do?" I question.

"You know exactly what Im talking about." I replied.

"No, I don't." He told me, "Now if you won't tell me you can leave."

"Tell me why Maurice getting arrested for something that he didn't do." I say

"If he didn't do it I wouldn't have pressed charges, now would I?" He responded.

"Fuck you." I said laced with venom.

"You too." He said after I walked out.

The fact that he's not bothered by his actions gets me the most. I called Adrianna and told her what happened. I didn't know what jail they took him to.

I can't imagine what he is going through right now. I paced back and forth around the parking garage waiting for Adrianna to pick me up.

When she finally pulled up she had the same look I had on my face. There was a moment of silence before she spoke.

"Why is he in jail?" She asked calmly.

"Adrian pressed charges against him." She said.

"What kind of charges?" She asked.

"Rape." I said.

"Rape!" She said frantically.

I nodded.

"What would make him say that?" She asked.

"I don't know why he would lie." I said.

"How do you know he's lying?" She asked.

"I know Maurice, he wouldn't do something like that to someone." I said.

"And I know Adrian wouldn't lie about something like that." She said.

"He lied to me before." I said.

"What would Adrian gain from lying about rape?" She asked.

"I don't know, he's probably jealous." I said.

"Of?" She questioned.

"Me and Maurice." I say.

"It sounds to me like you're in denial." She said.

"How!?" I yelled defensively.

"You don't even have a valid argument as to why you think Adrian lied."She said.

"Yes I do."I responded, "You're Maurice's sister you shouldn't be siding with Adrian."

"You're doing the same thing though." She said, "And I'm not making my decision based upon that, I'm going from what I know." She defended.

"You don't know that Maurice raped Adrian." I say.

"Neither do you, but I know Adrian and he wouldn't lie about that." She says.

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