chapter 7.

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One thing I hate? Rushing around. I hate it. Normally I have everything planned out but not today. No- Kendall and Olivia just had to drop this bombshell on me, the morning that they were planning on driving 2hours to Phoenix so we can go shopping. Shopping! Like come on, I get Phoenix is bigger than Tucson buy my god, why wait till the last minute and tell me. Plus, Kendall was supposed to go home a week ago, but she had begged me to stay longer and I had to give into her meaning I had been getting very pissed phone calls from my mom which are always so delightful.

“Fee, will you stop freaking out!” Liv laughed as she grabbed her purse. “we also sort of have a surprise for you as well” she smirked causing me to stop what I was doing to turn around and face her.

“What kind of surprise?” I asked narrowing my eyes at her, Olivia’s “surprises” always ended in disaster, it was like a tradition she had to keep or something.

“Don’t worry, this is a good one. Plus it was Kendall’s idea, it’s why we are going all the way to Phoenix. God its so weird that you have the same name as a city, I’m not sure if I like it” she said and I slapped her shoulder before grabbing my phone that had just went off.

Has the present came yet? I sent it while I was still in Europe, now I’m back in the States!

He was back? Is it sad that it made me feel happy that Joseph was now in the same country as me even though I had never met him in my life before?

“Fee, mail is here!” That is so strange. I looked up and Olivia smiled and handed me an envelope and I smiled at the messy “boy” writing on it. “Looks like it’s from lover boy” she said and I slapped her again but this time I had a stupid smirk on my face.

I stood staring at the envelope for a few minutes before I actually ripped it open and pulling the contents out of it. When I did my eyes went wide and my mouth fell slightly.

“Oh my god” I said covering my mouth. “he bought me concert tickets” I said as I shuffled through the bits of paper, there was a letter there as well.

Hey Nix,

I know how much you like Joe Jonas and well, I did my research and I found he will be playing a show in LA next month. I figured maybe you and your friends could drive out and I should be back home by then and I could maybe meet you there? I dunno, it was just a suggestion. Hope you like them. - J

“oh my god” I repeated again. “He bought me Joe Jonas concert tickets” I said looking at Liv who was staring at me with the same look on her face.

“What’s going on in here?” Kendall asked coming in but I was still too shocked to answer her.

“homeboy bought Fee concert tickets. Joe Jonas concert tickets” She said, obviously stunned herself.

“so we’re meeting Joe today and then a concert like when is it?” Kendall asked.

“What do you mean meeting Joe today?” I asked confused looking from my sister to my best friend.

“Oh, you didn’t tell her huh? Well SURPRISE!” Kendall yelled and I laughed and shook my head.

“This is crazy!” I giggled. “How are we meeting Joe? Like what happened?” I asked and Liv pointed to Kendall.

“Well before I came here I found out a radio here in Arizona was doing a contest to have lunch with Joe Jonas so I entered it, I won and can take two friend. One, Two!” she said pointing to us and I giggled.

“Okay! Lets go!” I said, I was now extremely excited and in such a good mood! I have to say thank you to Joseph as well!” I said grabbing my purse and my phone before we all headed out of the apartment and towards Olivia’s car.

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