Chapter 1

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It had been a couple weeks since the turtles met Shireen, Arslan, and his buddies. They were starting to miss their new friends, and thought of going to visit them again. Just as they were getting ready to start their evening patrol, Mikey heard his tPhone ring and looked to see who was calling him.

"Hey, it's Arslan!" Mikey said, his eyes lighting up. His brothers looked curiously at him. "I gave him my tPhone number before we left," he explained.

"Then answer it," Raph said. "It could be an emergency. Maybe stupid Gieve lost Shireen again."

Mikey answered the phone and said, "Yo, Ars! What's up?"

"Hey, Mikey," Arslan replied cheerfully. "My parents are out again, and I've got my friends over. We're gonna hang out and play some games. I was wondering if you and your brothers wanted to come over."

"You bet!" Mikey said. "We'll be right over after our patrol."

"'kay," said Arslan. "See ya."

After hanging up with Arslan, Mikey turned to his brothers and said, "Guys, after patrol, we're going over to Arslan's place. He's having a party, and we're invited! I can't wait to meet his friends!"

"Cool!" Donnie said enthusiastically. "Come on, guys, let's go. The sooner we get this patrol done, the sooner we can go to Arslan's party."

"Right," Leo and Raph said, then headed out into the evening with their brothers.

After about a couple hours, the turtles were finished with their patrol for the night. They headed to Ecbatana Apartments. Mikey was just about to head through the lobby doors, when his brothers stopped him.

"What?" Mikey asked, sort of whining.

"I just realized: Maybe we shouldn't go over when Arslan's other friends are present," Leo explained.

"Huh?" Mikey asked in a confused manner. "But why not? You were excited about it before."

"Because," Donnie said. "We just realized they might freak out if they see four giant talking turtles just walk into Arslan's apartment without knocking!"

"Come on, guys, don't you think you're being a bit too paranoid?" Mikey asked and laughed. "They're Ars' friends, so they're not gonna freak out, okay?"

"Really?" Raph asked. "Last time I checked, Arslan's other friends have never met us, Mikey!"

"That's why we're going to meet them. Let's just go," Mikey said exasperatedly. "I already told Ars we'd be there after our patrol. It's after patrol, so let's just go to his place, okay? I'm pretty sure everything'll be fine."

Leo shrugged. "Okay, Mikey. We trust you. Let's go, Donnie, Raph." With that, the four turtles headed through the lobby doors. They bid the doorman a quick hello and good night, then took the elevator up to Arslan's floor. After getting out, they headed to Arslan's apartment, where they heard a bunch of cheerful noises inside. Leo knocked and waited until someone answered the door: Shireen.

Shireen looked up and her eyes lit up after seeing who was at the door. "Guys, you made it! Yay!" She quickly dragged her friends into the apartment, where, along with Arslan and Daryun, other kids were having fun. "Ars! They're here, they're here!"

Upon hearing his sister's voice, Arslan quickly turned away from a blond girl he was laughing with and smiled when he saw the turtles standing in his apartment. "Guys! Good, you made it."

The girl Arslan had been talking to joined him and stared questioningly at the turtles. "Uh, Ars...just who are these, uh, people?"

"Yeah," a brown-haired boy said, joining Arslan as well. "And why are they wearing costumes? The Mellarks aren't having their next costume party for another month." Both the blond and the brunette were around Arslan's age.

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