Chapter 3

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While Daryun was walking back to Arslan's place, Alfreed was taking her turn on Slender; Leo and Raph had already taken their turns, and lost badly. She had just gotten her fifth page, and was now looking for the sixth. As she moved through the forest, she got stopped by Slender Man for the umpteenth time. This time, her character died, and the words "Game Over" flashed across the screen.

"Ooh, tough break, Alfreed," Raph said as Alfreed got out of the chair. He looked around at everybody else and asked, "Okay, who's next?"

"I am," Donnie replied and walked over to the computer. He sat in the chair and said, "Okay, Slendy, let's see you try and kill me."

"Remember, this game isn't as easy as it looks," Leo reminded his younger brother. "So try not to get too frustrated if you lose."

"Oh, like you did when you lost?" Raph asked and smirked.

"I did not!" Leo protested.

"Yeah, you did, dude," Mikey said.

"Yeah, here's you," Estelle said and started imitating Leo. "'Waah, waah, I lost! This game's rigged!'"

"Sh-shut up!" Leo exclaimed and glared at Raph, Mikey, and Estelle. "I did not act like that!"

"Did so!" Mikey and Raph shot back.

"Guys—" Arslan began, but was interrupted by more of his friends' arguing.

"Did not!" Leo yelled.

"Did so!" said Mikey. Alfreed and Donnie rolled their eyes.

"Did not!" said Leo.

"Uh, yeah you did," said Mikey.

"No, I didn't," said Leo.

"Really?" Estelle asked and laughed. "Then what was that whining we all heard earlier?"

Alfreed checked Arslan's clock. "Hey, it's a quarter after 9. Where the heck is Daryun? And Elam?" Everybody ignored her, which caused her to roll her eyes again.

"I wasn't whining!" Leo exclaimed.

"Yeah, you were, Greeny!" Estelle shouted back.

"I'm warning you!" Leo snarled at Estelle. "You don't want to make me angry."

"Ooh, really, Bruce Banner?" Estelle said, getting in Leo's face. "What're ya gonna do? Smash me?"

"Would you like to find out, Blondie?" Leo asked angrily. He hit one palm with a fist.

"Let's see what you've got!" Estelle said back, getting ready to fight the turtle.

Arslan had enough and got in between his two friends. "Guys! Come on, cut it out." Both Leo and Estelle stopped, embarrassed at how they were acting.

"Sorry, Ars," Estelle said and stepped away from Leo.

"Me, too," said Leo. He joined Donnie at the computer.

"Good," Arslan said and smiled. "Now, let's just watch Donnie play."

"Thanks," Donnie said and started playing. He maneuvered his character through the forest so quickly—despite being stopped by Slender Man several times—that everyone stared in amazement at how many pages he was collecting.

"Wow!" Mikey gasped. "Seven pages? You're a wiz at this, D!"

"Thanks, Mikey," Donnie replied happily as he continued through the forest.

"I don't think any one of us here have ever gotten seven pages," Shireen said in awe.

"Okay, just one more—Oh, darn it," Donnie groaned as Slendy killed his character. The words "Game Over" flashed across the screen once again. Donnie got out of the chair and joined his friends.

"Hey, you were close," Arslan said cheerfully as he ducked under his bed. He emerged some minutes later with a big box. He opened it, revealing its contents: a variety of snacks. Then he took a tarp off what appeared to be some kind of table, revealing it to actually be a mini fridge. Upon taking a look inside, the turtles saw it contained a bunch of drinks. "I think we've all earned a snack. Take your pick, guys."

"Awesome!" Mikey exclaimed, grinning as he and everybody else reached into the box and the fridge, taking whatever snacks and drinks they wanted.

"I was wondering when you were gonna bring out the goods," Estelle said and took a swig from a can of Dr. Pepper.

After a few minutes, Leo asked Arslan, "I was wondering something: How come you have a mini fridge and a box under your bed?"

"Because Hermes always steals my snacks and drinks whenever he comes over, which is a lot," Arslan replied. "It's annoying. That's why I hide my stuff in here."

"Gee Wiz, what a jerk," Mikey said through a mouthful of Sour Cream and Onion Pringles.

"Yeah," said Arslan. "I actually can't believe I'm related to him, or my parents."

"I can run a DNA test for you, if you want," Donnie offered after finishing off a bag of Cheetos.

"I think I'll take you up on that," Arslan replied.

"Yummy, yummy, yummy! I've got cupcake in my tummy!" Shireen sang happily while softly bouncing up and down on her brother's bed.

"Awww," Estelle said and laughed.

After everyone finished their snacks, Mikey decided to take his turn on the computer. He sat down, then asked Arslan if he could check his email first. After Arslan granted him permission, Mikey opened the browser, logged into his email, and proceeded to check his messages.

"Just be careful to not open any messages, unless you absolutely know, for sure, where they're from," Donnie warned.

"Relax, D, I know what I'm doing," said Mikey.

"My laptop would beg to differ," Donnie said.

"You're still on that?" Mikey asked while reading his mail. "That happened, like, a long time ago."

"No, it happened yesterday," said Donnie. "For the third time. Of this week."

"Still," said Mikey.

"Hey, what's that?" Alfreed asked, pointing at a message on the computer.

Mikey saw the message and said, "What the...?"

"'So you like to play games, huh, turtles?'" Alfreed read out loud. Everyone else gathered around the computer and looked at the message.

"Who do you think sent it?" Raph asked.

"Maybe the Shredder?" Mikey suggested.

"Mikey, why would the Shredder email us?" Leo asked. "If he wanted to confront us, he'd send someone directly. Or just come at us himself.

"Just throwing it out there as a possibility," Mikey said. He hovered the mouse over a link in the message.

"Who's the Shredder?" Arslan asked.

"Let's just say he's someone we know," Raph replied.

"Is he a bad person?" Shireen asked.

"Very bad," said Raph. "He...Mikey, what are you doing?"

"Mikey, no! Don't click on that!" Donnie exclaimed. Too late. Mikey had clicked on the link. He and the others jumped away from the computer as the screen started to glow.

"What the heck is going on?" Estelle asked. She screamed as she was pulled towards the computer.

"No!" Arslan screamed and grabbed Estelle from behind. He managed to pull her away from the computer and towards the door.

"That was close," Estelle said shakily. "Thanks, Ars."

"Help!" Mikey exclaimed as he was pulled, very quickly, towards the computer. His brothers tried to grab him, but were unsuccessful. Mikey was pulled into the computer.

"Mikey! No!" Leo yelled. He, too, was pulled towards the computer. Raph and Donnie each grabbed onto him, but all three of them, and Alfreed were pulled into the computer.

"Uh...Hermes..." Arslan called through the door as he held on tight to Estelle and Shireen. "Hermes! Xandes! Help!" He screamed at the top of his lungs as he watched his sister and friend being pulled, screaming, into the computer. "No! Give them...AAAHHH!" He held onto the mini fridge while Azrael grabbed a part of his shirt. "Hermes!"

Hermes and Xandes had just finished a round of Gods of War and were talking and laughing about Slender.

"I really can't believe your cousins play that stupid game," Xandes said through gasps of laughter. He doubled over in another fit of laughter and continued, "How exactly are you related to them again?"

"They're my first cousins," Hermes replied. "They're my dad's brother's kids."

"Still," said Xandes. He and Hermes stopped laughing when they heard Arslan screaming for Hermes.

"Hermes! Please, Hermes, help me!" Arslan shouted frantically.

Hermes abruptly stood up, just as Daryun walked in the door.

"Guys, I'm back," Daryun said, then became alarmed at the sound of Arslan screaming for help. "Hermes, Xandes, what's going on?!" He followed the duo to Arslan's room.

"Oh my God!" Hermes and Daryun exclaimed after opening the door. They saw, to their horror, Arslan hanging onto the mini fridge for dear life, Azrael holding onto part of the boy's shirt. They and Xandes rushed into the room. Xandes tried (unsuccessfully) turning off the computer, while Hermes and Daryun each grabbed one of Arslan's arms.

"Don't worry, we're here!" Daryun assured his scared friend.

"Don't let go!" Arslan said.

"We won't," said Hermes. Unfortunately, he and Daryun lost their hold, and Arslan was pulled towards the computer.

"Ars!" Hermes exclaimed.

"Hermes! Daryun!" Arslan shouted as he, finally, was pulled into the computer.

Daryun ran over to the now still computer and shook it, shouting, "No! Whoever did this, give him back!"

Hermes dropped to his knees, distraught over what happened. "Ars...Rena...Why did I pick on them?" Xandes tried standing his friend up, but Hermes sank back to the floor.

Daryun stepped away from the computer, shaking. "This..."

"This is bad," said an equally horrified Xandes. Azrael flew around the room, screeching frantically, trying to get into the computer.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" said Hermes. He finally stood up and looked at Daryun and Xandes. "What the hell do we do now?! We need to save Ars, Rena, and their friends!"

Daryun thought for a minute. Then he said, "We need to get to Narsus and Elam's place. Right now." Hermes and Xandes nodded and followed Daryun out of Arslan's room. Hermes popped back in and gave Azrael a pet.

"It's okay, Azrael," Hermes said. "We'll get Ars and the others back." He then left the room again and followed Daryun and Xandes out the door.

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