Chapter 6

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As Elam and the others were explaining their situation to Gieve and Farangis, Mikey was climbing a tree in Slender Man's forest, humming the Empire theme from Star Wars. His reasoning was that, in climbing a tree, he'd have a better view of the entire forest, that way he and everyone else would be able to find the remaining pages faster, despite Raph telling him it wouldn't work.

Back on the ground, everybody else was watching Mikey as he made his way up the tree, hoping he wouldn't fall and/or hurt himself. As they watched, Raph turned to Leo and asked, "Why is he humming the Empire theme from Star Wars?"

"It's catchy," Leo replied and shrugged.

"Mikey, I think I've gotta agree with Raph on this one," Estelle called. "I highly doubt the programmers designed this game so the character could find the pages by climbing up a tree."

"I don't know," Alfreed said to the younger girl. "It could work. If nothing else, he'll at least get a good view of the area."

"I say you should get down," Arslan called to Mikey. "That looks dangerous! You could fall and seriously hurt yourself, you know!"

"Relax, guys," Mikey called back in a nonchalant manner. "Everything's under control--Whoawhoawhoa!" He lost his footing for a bit, making everyone nervous. The kids on the ground breathed a collective sigh of relief when they saw Mikey grab onto a branch just in time. "I'm okay," he called down and grinned.

"Mikey, don't you dare scare us like that again!" Raph yelled.

"Raph!" Leo said warningly.

"Don't 'Raph' me, Leo!" Raph shot back.

"Alright, you two, calm down," Arslan broke in. "All that matters is Mikey didn't get hurt." Raph and Leo completely ignored him, while Mikey tuned his brothers out in favor of surveying the area.

As Mikey was looking around, he saw what looked to be a sheet of paper lying by a tree to the left of the one he currently occupied, a couple miles away. Further ahead of the sheet of paper, he spotted what appeared to be a cabin. He was ready to tell them when he heard Donnie scream. He jumped down and saw Donnie covering his own eyes, as though he was trying to look away from something he'd just seen.

"Donnie?" Shireen asked. "What's wrong?"

"Slender Man!" Donnie replied. "I looked at him." Leo was about to look in the direction Donnie was pointing, when Donnie exclaimed, "Don't look!"

"He's here now, isn't he?" Leo asked.

"Yes...and I looked at him!" Donnie replied frightfully.

"You looked at him?!" a flabbergasted Raph asked.

"I didn't mean to!" said Donnie.

"Hey, it's okay," Leo said, trying to reassure his brother. "I'm sure he's gone by now."

"You promise?" Donnie asked, still shaken up. "No tricks?"

"No," Leo said and smiled. "Who do you think I am, Raph?"

Raph glared at Leo. "Me? What about Mikey?"

"Playing tricks like that isn't Mikey's style," said Leo. "He would've gotten all of us with water balloons or something like that."

"Well, Slendy's definitely gone," Alfreed announced after sweeping her gaze around the area.

Arslan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."

After a moment, Mikey put an arm around Donnie's shoulder and asked, "Are you gonna be okay, D?"

"Yeah, I think I'll be alright," said Donnie.

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